
48 3 0

15 January 2019, Tuesday
San Francisco

I stood nervously in front of my father's office. What does he want this time? "Come in." His cold voice called and after taking a deep breath, I went inside. There he sat behind his desk, looking dominant and intimidating. I gulped and looked around his dark office, a single photo of Mom on his table, probably the only one he has here at work.

"Yes Father?" I asked him and he motioned me to sit. "Please sit, they are coming soon." I sat down and avoided looking at him.

You are probably wondering why I am this nervous around him. Well, first off all, he was the reason Mom died. The police couldn't prove it because he cleared his tracks but I knew that he was involved. Since that day I have been distant and scared of him. He knew, and that seemed to give him pleasure, Hawk Summers loved the idea of being feared.

And secondly, he loves to give orders. In school I should've had the highest grades and be everyone's favourite. In high school it was even worse. I had to participate in (almost) all the sports and I was what you would call the school's 'Golden girl', if that's even a thing. To top it all of, I was his puppet, his pawn. I was surprised when he allowed me to go to a college of my choice, he said that since I picked, I had to pay him back.

And now I realised why he wanted to see me, it's payback time.

He looked at me and I shuddered, causing him to laugh menacingly. "Oh Charlie, you are just like your mother." Then he laughed again. I felt sick and looked at my shoes, feeling the tears threatening to escape. A knock on the door took his attention away from me. "Come in."

I turned to see who it was and my heart stopped. Standing there was the famous businessman/womaniser Dominic Gray. He looked so handsome with his vanilla-blonde hair and sea-green eyes. He was wearing a expensive blue suit and besides him was a tall man with a black suit on. Probably his security guard, because God knows, he has a lot of enemies.

He came to take a seat next to me and I sat more upright. His guard went to stand by the door. What's happening? Why did he involve me in one of his meetings, especially with Dominic Gray? Don't get me wrong, he is very handsome but he is not my type. And he makes me nervous, just like Dad.

He looked at my face and then at my clothes. I was wearing a simple white skinny jeans and a cream turtleneck with a white coat and my cream coloured boots. My honey-brown hair was twisted into a stylish French bun and I applied natural makeup, that made my hazel eyes pop. I looked good but he looked at me in a way that made me doubt my appearance.

"You're probably wondering why you are here Charlie dear," Dad began and I almost laughed at the word 'dear'. I nodded and he went on. "Meet your husband, Dominic Gray."

If I was busy drinking water I would've probably spat it out dramatically, preferably on Dad's face. "H-Husband?" I asked and prayed that this was a sick joke. Dominic then turned to me and smirked evil, then I realised that he looked at me with lust earlier. Dad nodded at me and then I felt the bile rising in my throat. Marriage to this womaniser? Never!

I stood up and held my chin high. "I will never marry this man!"

This caused Dad to stand up and he looked at me angrily. "You will marry Dominic on Saturday Charlie! I won't take no for a answer!"

"I would rather die! Mom would've never allowed this!"

"Your mother is dead! And she will never come back!"

I wanted to run away but I was blocked by Dominic's security guard. He had dark brown eyes with dark hair and he looked extremely handsome. And did I mention that he was very tall? And muscular? But I was to upset to even really notice him. He looked at me with a kind of pity and I hated him for that.
I didn't need his pity.

I turned to Dad where he was standing with Dominic. They both smiled at my defeat. Then Dominic spoke in a way that made my spine chill. "Don't be scared love, I won't bite..."

A/n: Hey guys!👋
Welcome to my second book, Between us.

I am not really one that likes to write prologues, but trust me, this one will come up again further in the story.

Please forgive any typos and please comment ;)

Kind regards and stay safe :)

A . Freeman

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