Chapter 6

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I breathed in the fresh air and sighed happily. Finally we're in Rome! I carefully got out of Ryder's private plane and he helped me to get down. "Do you want to use the bathroom before we go?" He asked me and I nodded. "It's the door on the left." I nodded again and rushed to the bathroom.

I sighed again. This time because I was exhausted. I freaking threw up during the whole trip. I brushed my teeth and ate a mint candy. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair and put the warm beanie back on. I made sure that my makeup is still fine and I looked at my clothes.

I was wearing a blue skinny jeans with my knee-high boots and a plush pink sweater. I had a grey coat on and I looked long at my wedding ring and then I sighed, what's the point of even wearing it? My marriage was over before it even began. I stepped back outside and went to Ryder where he was waiting for me in front of a big black SUV.

While making my way to him, I studied his profile. He was wearing a black jeans that refined those strong legs with a dark green turtleneck and a black coat. He doesn't talk much, and I doubt if the man can even laugh, or smile. His dark hair was messy because I caught him running his fingers through it a lot. I wonder how his hair feels like, must be baby soft.

He opened the door for me and I climbed inside, welcoming the warmness of the big car. When he got inside, the car seemed so much smaller because he is so big, he turned on the radio and we drove in silence. The silence wasn't uncomfortable though.

It's my first time in Rome and I'm so excited, I wanted to see everything but I felt so sleepy and I tried hard to keep my eyes open. "You can sleep if you want to, we still have a long way to go." His deep voice said but I shook my head.

"It's my first time here, I want to see everything now." I protested with my eyes half open.

"I'll show you around some other time." He then said and I turned to lay my head on the window.

"Promise?" I asked him while yawning.

"I promise." He said and I sunk into a deep sleep, but I could've sworn that I heard a smile in his deep voice.

Ryder's pov:

I looked to the side and watched as she sleeps. She looks so peaceful, as if she doesn't have a problem in the world. But I know that she has a load of them.

Last night when Dominic called and told me that he needed my help, I didn't have to think twice. Not only because he was my former boss, but because he is my friend, and I would do anything for him.

When I went to go save Charlie in the warehouse, my heart stopped. She's even more beautiful than I remembered. She was so vulnerable, so lost in that fire. If I hadn't come in time, who knows what Big Boss and Barry would've done to her. I shuddered at the thought.

I remember three years ago in her father's office, she had been so scared, and surprisingly strong. She had a fire in her hazel eyes and I felt pity for her. I noticed that she was pissed at me for feeling pity for her. She didn't need my pity, she still doesn't. And that's what I liked the moment I saw her. But she didn't belong to me, she still doesn't.

I was so grateful that I had a family emergency because I couldn't bear to see her get married to Dominic. Don't get me wrong, Dominic is a good guy, he just doesn't deserve her.

I thought that I had forgotten all about her but when I saw her today, I realised that I never did. I was shocked to find out that she is pregnant, but who was I kidding, she probably didn't even notice me that day. She doesn't remember me.

There is definitely problems between them both and I'm not gonna meddle in. I'll keep my cool, and be cold towards her, yeah, that'll do.
I'll need to keep my distance. I smiled as she mumbled something in her sleep. Yep. I will definitely try to keep my distance.

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