Chapter 13

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Charlie's pov:

I drove in silence, letting the nightlight consume me and my thoughts. Luckily Ryder had another car so I wouldn't have to call a cab. I turned the radio on and sighed dramatically when Mariah Carey's "My All' played on the radio.

My mood only dampened when it started to rain. Hard. I was already very far away from home, so there was no time for turning back.

I was still busy driving on the highway when I noticed that a minivan was driving dangerously close to my car. I remembered that it also followed me for a long while now, but at first I didn't pay heed to it.

I increased my speed a little and the van did the same thing. My spine chilled and I began to drive faster. Just then a message popped on my phone and then it rang. I ignored it and then the inevitable happened.

The van zoomed in from behind and suddenly I had no more control over the car. I held my stomach with one hand and pressed the accelerator with all my might. My car swayed off the road and the van drove away, and soon, it was total darkness.

I felt something warm and sticky sliding down my temple and I wearily opened my eyes. I slowly lifted my head from the steering wheel and immediately touched my stomach. I looked around and saw that there was no one here except for me. I sighed when I realised that the car dove into the trees.

I then took my phone and saw that Ryder called. Hah. Finally, he remembered me.

I then opened the message and saw that it was from an unknown number. 'I'll make your life a living well, Storm will never raise my baby! Once my son is born, I'll kill Storm, and then I'll slowly torture you...'

My heart raced and I began to curse. Dominic is a real monster! I struggled to open my door, but eventually it opened and I carefully stepped outside. Using my phone as a flashlight, I took my handbag and looked at the damage of the car.

Ryder won't be happy about this. But then again, screw him!

It began to rain harder again and I rushed back into the car. I tried calling the cops but there was no service because of the rain. Soon I laid back in my seat and sleep took over.

For what seemed like a really long time, I finally woke up and this time my head was pounding mercilessly. I gently touched the cut on my temple and looked around. The sun began to come out and it thankfully stopped raining. I checked the time. It's 5am.

I began to eat a few cashews when a car pulled up closely. I swallowed hard. What if it was the same man that tried to kill me? I cautiously locked the doors and my heart pounded in my throat when a big dark figure rushed to me.

"Charlie?!" A deep voice shouted and for a moment time stood still.

That voice.

I opened the door and he pulled me out and gave me a crushing hug. I was so happy and so pissed off at the same time. He pulled away and tilted my head back to inspect my face.

"Are you okay? How did you get hurt? Is the baby alright?" He asked and I pushed him away.

"Oh, so now you care?" I asked sarcastically. "I'm not going back with you Ryder."

His face darkened and he gave me his famous 'death-stare'. "You will come back with me, it's not a request."

"Don't give me that bullshit. I'm leaving, I don't want to stay with you anymore." I said stubbornly and he simply shrugged and began to take out my luggage and put it into his car.

Before I could protest he picked me up and put me into his car, and soon  we drove off.

Dominic pov:

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