Chapter 7

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It's been an entire week since we came to Rome. I've been battling with morning sickness everyday and Ryder has helped me every time. Even though I told him to leave me alone, he just shrugged and gave me one of his deadly looks.

This morning wasn't so bad and now I'm in the kitchen busy preparing breakfast for us. Ryder came down wearing his grey sweatpants with a tight black T-shirt. I noticed that he had tattoos on both his arms and he looked ravishing with his messy morning-hair. I gulped - then smiled, and poured tea for him.

Did I forget to mention that he has stopped drinking coffee after I threw up? And my poor, stupid heart melted at the little gesture.

Teresa and Jacob has invited us to go for dinner tonight, I just hope that the lovely Jessica won't be there as well. It's not like I'm  jealous or something, it's just my hormones. Nothing else. Nada!

I dished up for us both and we began to eat. "How are you feeling today?" He asked and my poor, stupid heart melted...again.

"I'm fine thanks, my morning sickness is not that bad anymore." I replied.

"Hmm, we're going to the hospital today for a check up before we go to eat at Teresa's tonight." He said and gave me another deadly look, because he knew that I would come up with another excuse.

"Okay, but can you do me a favour?" I asked him and he looked at me and nodded. "Please stop giving me that 'death-stare', it's scaring me."

He looked at me for a long while and then he laughed. Oh. My. God. It's the first time that I am hearing him laugh. And it sounded melodious.
I think that I'm aroused now...Yikes!
My legs turned to jelly and I was grateful that I sat on a chair, otherwise I would've collapsed. My mouth turned dry and I looked at him in surprise.

"What?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I just never thought that you're capable of smiling, let alone laughing. And FYI, that dimple hiding under that beard is just so cute!" I honestly said and he casually shrugged, but his face turned slightly red.

"Well now you know." He said and drank his tea.

"OMG! He's blushing!" I added while giggling and he gave me the 'death-stare', causing me to gulp.

"Stop it." He said and the smile still haunted his mouth.

"Well you should smile more and stop giving me the 'death-stare'." I simply stated and he shrugged, again.

"Only if you promise to stop talking so much."

I then laughed and he also smiled with me. Look at us. We're having a moment. The air was soon filled with sexual tension, and may I add that this isn't the first time that this happened to us...

He felt this too and his eyes darted from my eyes to my lips. I gulped. He stood up and came close to me. My lips parted and I looked into his eyes. He leaned down towards me and his lips stopped inches from mine.

He cupped my face with his hands and then he kissed me lightly on the lips. It only lasted for a few seconds and then he pulled away and left me alone. I touched my lips and a little smile appeared. Never in the three years of marriage did Dominic kiss me like this. This kiss left me wanting more.

My phone rang and I picked it up. Dominic! Oh shit! I blushed and looked around, as if he could pop out in any moment. "Hello Dominic." I answered after I cleared my throat.

"Hey wifey! Whatcha doin'?" He asked and immediately I realised that he was drunk.

"Dominic are you drunk?"

"Nooo! Definitely not drunk over here!"

"God, I hope that you will get a massive hangover tomorrow." I said and sighed.

"I loff you wifey, shay you loff me toooo!" He sang in my ear and I rolled my eyes.

"You know perfectly well that I don't love you Dominic, and you can never love me, you said so yourself on our wedding night!" I said and couldn't help my voice breaking off slightly, my tears began to flow but I wiped them quickly.

"If you don't shay you loff me, then, oh, poor Naannaa!" He said and gave an disgusting laugh.

My heart stopped. He wouldn't dare. Shit! What am I saying? Of course he would do something to her! Even when he's drunk he still has this power over me.

"Fine Dominic," I began and this time I didn't stop the tears from falling free from my eyes. "I-I, love you too." He then gave another dirty laugh and I switched the phone off in disgust.

I'll never be free from Dominic. Let's just admit the sad truth. "Puppet, Mommy's sorry. I'm not strong enough." I said while touching my stomach.

I then looked up straight into deep dark chocolate brown eyes. Ryder. My saviour.
By the looks of it, it seems that he heard my whole conversation with Dominic.

I then rushed over to him and he gave me a tight hug. His shirt was getting soaked with my tears but he didn't seem to mind, instead he held me closer. "Please, don't take me back to Dominic. I wanna stay with you. He, he-" I began and he only tilted my face up and I looked into his eyes.

"I won't take you back to Dominic, You can stay here for as long as you want, Charlie, I'll always be there for you." He said, his voice full of worry.


"I promise." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Good, I-I trust you." Was the last thing I said before my legs felt limb and everything got dark in front of my eyes.
Ryder's pov:

I quickly picked Charlie up and took her to her room, laying her down very carefully. Her eyes shot open and she was scared. "Ryder?" She asked me and my heart melted, it seems that this isn't the first time that she had such an episode.

"Yeah?" I answered slowly and she came scooting towards me.

"Please don't go, he will come." She was so scared.

"I'm not going anywhere, Charlie, I'm staying right here with you." I said and began to stroke her back. "Why are you so scared? Did he used to hit you?" I asked and prayed that she says no. But when she cried harder this time my suspicions were confirmed.

She had a handful of my wet shirt in her hand and her eyes fell closed. I decided to lie next to her and I snuggled her close. Her breathing calmed down and she melted into me. When she sobbed, my heart hardened towards Dominic.

Damn you Dominic! I wondered what the son of a bitch told her over the phone that made her react this way. But worst of all, he hit her! He hit MY Charlie!

After the kiss I made a dash to my room to wash my face. Then I went back to her to apologise for the kiss, even though I wasn't really sorry for it.

Then I heard her talking over the phone with Dominic and smiled when she told him that she wishes that he would get a massive hangover tomorrow. But then she began crying and my spine chilled. He threatened her to say 'I love you'.

I carefully stood up and took out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and finally stopped at one specific name. Black Badger.

I'm glad that she's here with me. I'll keep her safe and find out what he was threatening her with. Dominic will pay for touching her. I will make him suffer pain so unimaginable, and then with Charlie's permission, I'll kill him. I'm not his friend anymore. Dominic has just made a very dangerous enemy...

A/n: Hey guys!👋
I don't think that I would want to be Ryder's enemy😈...

It looks like Dominic is even worse than Hawk. And how will Charlie save her Nana? But most importantly, who's the Black Badger?...

Q: What will Ryder do to Dominic? What will he do to keep Charlie safe?
Stay tuned for more action. ^_^

Please forgive any typos and please comment ;)

Kind regards and stay safe :)

A . Freeman

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