Chapter 21

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Charlie's pov:

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I touched my stomach with closed eyes and felt Puppet kick. I smiled and had an overwhelming feeling of calmness. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, but didn't recognize the room, it was sparkling clean with nothing out of place. I looked down and saw that I was wearing silk pajamas. 

I took a deep breath as I realized the situation. Dominic kidnapped me. 

The door opened and a young nurse walked in, she stopped as soon as she saw that I was awake and rushed outside. It wasn't long before Dominic rushed inside the room. I softly gasped at the sight of him, not because I was scared of him, but because the once handsome Dominic Gray now looked unrecognizable. He had an ugly scar stretching from his right cheek across his neck. His blonde hair is now darker and longer, and his skin is paler. 

Is this really the same man I married once? Even perhaps once cared for? 

Despite being a little scared, I remained calm and looked into his sea-green eyes. He came forward slowly and went to sit on the sofa other in the room. I sat more upright and looked at him. 

"Charlie." Even his voice changed, that same voice who whispered sweet nothings in my ear, changed. It now sounded raspy and dry. 

"Dominic." I said and kept my composure cool and calm, even though it felt like a panic attack surged through my body. 

"Mmm, my beautiful pregnant wife." He said and smiled, but it only made his face look worse. 

"I'm not your wife anymore." I coldly replied. 

"It may be true, but we both know whose baby you're carrying. Mine." He said with that same disgusting grin. 

"Where's Ryder?" I asked, even though I had a feeling that I didn't want to hear his answer. 

"Storm? He won't be joining us here, so you don't have to worry about him anymore." He said and I gritted my teeth.

"What did you do to my husband?" I demanded to know, and he scowled. 

"That fraud got what he deserved! You were MY wife! He stole you from me!"

"You handed me over to him; he never took me away." I argued back and felt slightly dizzy. 

Dominic noticed and came forward. I flinched slightly and then he stopped in his tracks. "Lucy!" He called and the young nurse rushed inside. "Help her." 

"Y-Yes, sir." She stuttered nervously and he walked out of the room. She took a deep breath and came forward to inspect me. "Good morning, Mrs. Storm. Are you alright?" She asked politely and I smiled. 

"Good morning, I just feel a little dizzy." I answered and she gave me some medicine. After I drank it, I looked around. "Lucy, do you know where we are?" 

"I'm not sure, we're stranded on an isolated island, with barely any network connection." She answered with tears in her eyes. 

"Did he also kidnap you?" 

"Yes, on the same day he took you from the hospital, Mrs. Storm. To help with the delivery, of your baby." She answered and I nodded. 

"Please, call me Charlie." I said and she smiled and nodded. "Do, do you perhaps know what happened with Ryder, with my husband?" I then asked and her eyes got wider. 

"Uh, no. I didn't see him on that day." She said and looked away.

She knows something. Oh God, what happened to Ryder?!

"You're not a very good liar, Lucy. What happened to my husband?" I asked softly, not wanting to hear the answer. 

"Please, Charlie. I don't want you to panic and let something happen to your baby." 

"What happened to him?!" I demanded and she hicked in shock at my sudden harshness. "Please, tell me." I asked pleadingly. 

"I overheard Mr. Gray asking a woman how much she drugged your husband. She assured him that she gave him an overdose, and if that doesn't kill him, his-" She paused, uncertain if she should continue, but I only nodded. "Then he would eventually bleed out from the bullet wounds." 

I took a deep breath and stroked my stomach. No, Ryder is okay. He would never let anything happen to me or our daughter. He promised. 

"He'll come for me. And he will save you as well, Lucy. I promise." I said and felt a bit sleepy. 

"Rest, Charlie. I'll bring food later." Lucy said and I nodded and almost instantly fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

Lucy looked at the beautiful woman sleeping on the bed. Poor Charlie! To face so many hardships at such a young age. And now she believes that her husband will come save them, even after hearing that there may be a possibility that he died. But even Lucy had hope, hope that they'll be saved from here. 


A/n: Hey guys! 👋

Welcome back to another chapter of Between us. 

*I know, I know...I've been scarce lately, but not without a good reason. I've been dealing with a lot of assignments and to be honest, I didn't really have inspiration for this story anymore. But I promise that I will try to publish weekly, and I WILL complete this story. *

Q: Will Charlie be saved? What will Dominic do with her? And most importantly, is Ryder dead? Stay tuned for more passion...and action. ^_^

Please forgive any typos and please comment...and don't forget to vote! ;)

Kind regards and stay safe :)

A. Freeman


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