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(season nine, episode fifteen)

AS FAR AS Freya could remember, she'd only been to The Kingdom once

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AS FAR AS Freya could remember, she'd only been to The Kingdom once. It was a fleeting visit, barely twenty hours were spent there, but it was still monumental enough for her to recall the majority of it. She'd met Shiva, Ezekiel's tiger, and had been positively terrified that she and Carl were going to become the great beast's lunch. But looks proved deceiving, that tiger had saved her life at Alexandria and despite not being to able express it; the immense gratitude she'd felt for that would never fade.

Now, she was returning as an adult and more momentously; a leader. Michonne had talked her through the basics, what to say and how to say it. She'd also offered, if Freya permitted, to speak on her behalf if things got too formal. Freya appreciated the support but she'd swiftly declined. This was the first time Ezekiel would be seeing her as a leader and she wanted him to see that she was as worthy of his respect as her father had been - having someone holding her hand the whole time would not give off that impression. She'd just have to wing it and hope that they didn't deem her a ridiculous fool incapable of taking charge.

Led by a Belgian Malinois, a caravan of three wagons rolled down a dilapidated road, the wooden wheels adding to the fissures that were already strewn across the asphalt

Out of the corner of her eye, Freya watched Henry squeeze Lydia's hand reassuringly. It sparked a nostalgic grin on her lips.

Oh, to be seventeen and in love again.

Her wagon was in the middle, occupied by herself, Judith, Devin, Henry and Lydia. She was quite happy with the travel arrangements- the one in front carried Daryl and the one behind had Chase sulking in it - even if it was a tad awkward on account of her and Devin's very much unresolved issues.

Judith leaned forward, searching for Freya's gaze. "Are you excited?"

"Ecstatic." Freya pointed to her utterly stoic expression. "Can't you tell?"

The nine-year-old rolled her eyes. "Oh, haha."

Freya flicked the brim of her sister's hat and Judith aimed a kick at her shin in retaliation.

Lydia watched them with big, sad, doe eyes - why couldn't Alpha have loved her even half as much as Freya loved Judith? What had she done to deserve cruelty in place of nurture?

Devin discreetly watched Lydia's eyes watering. Absentmindedly, her pointer finger traced over the jagged scar that slashed through her eyebrow. If Lydia only knew the truth - that love walked hand-in-hand with never-ending misery - her yearning would surely cease.

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