Part 18: Equal in all things

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Christmas One year later.

I comb my fingers through my hair and rush over to the large window, hearing an automobile.

"Tae! Stay away from that window! Your groom is due any minute," Sehun says shaking his head.

"W-What if something happened? Where's my phone?" My eyes search frantically.

"Locked away," Sehun says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What!? Why would you do that!?"

"Because you're getting married, and you have no need for it today."

"Whose idea was that!?"

"Wasn't mine. But it's a terrific idea," Sehun says smugly smiling.

"Damn, that Dae!"

I pace back and forth wringing my hands.

"Yeah, I'm getting married today. Oh God, Sehun, I'm getting married today!"

"Why don't you sit down and relax Tae? I never imagined you'd be a nervous wreck."

"Sehun, he's the most beautiful creature and I'm so in love with him. Did I tell you how adorable he is when he laughs?"

"Yes, Tae, many times."

"Did I tell you about his rants?"

"I'm quite familiar with Jungkook's ranting."

Just then a white limo pulls into the driveway.

"Oh My God, it's my Kookie!"

"Get away from there!" Sehun shouts as he physically pulls me away. "Tae, he doesn't want you to see him until he comes down the aisle."

"I'm going to die!"

"Tae, the wedding starts in 10 minutes. You're like a fucking child! Why am I arguing with you!?"

"Because you're my best man! It's your job to help and you're not doing well!"

Sehun throws his hands up.

"I haven't seen him in three days. God damn Wedding traditions," I hiss. I've shared the same bed with him every night since we've set the mattress of his pullout couch ablaze exactly one year ago, today. We spent two awesome hot and loving weeks together in Hawaii. No meetings, no responsibility, no phones, just us. I chuckle to myself as I think, of all the places in the world we could honeymoon, my sweetheart wants to return to Hawaii.

"Three days apart!" Sehun gasps. "Whose dumb idea was that!?" Sehun barks.

"Well, it wasn't mine and please don't call my fiancé dumb. He's amazing."

"Sorry, Tae, but you're dumb for agreeing to it."

"Of course, I agreed. I love him. Did I tell you about –"

"Yes, you have!" Sehun snaps.

"How do you know? You didn't let me finish."

"Tae, those three days you have not been with Jungkook, you've been at my place. Trust me, you've told me everything again and again."

"Well, I couldn't stay at our place alone." Sehun sighs audibly as his uncontainable smile and chuckle breaks through.

"I need to see my Kookie. I just want to look in his eyes and see his smile." That smile has sustained me. It took me 4 months to convince him to move in with me. He needed to take his time given his past trauma after that asshole conned him. Also, he did not like the idea of me paying for things. Dinner out at a nice restaurant was okay but not often. I might have gone a tad too far when I gave him a new Mercedes SUV for his birthday. I want to spoil him, but I must respect his boundaries. I try to move towards the window and my best man blocks me. Before I try to sneak around him, there's a knock at the door. The door opens and in comes Dae.

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