Part 3: Forbidden sweet fruit

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Tae's POV

As Sehun searches for a parking space, my thoughts drift to my earlier encounter with the salesclerk, Jungkook. He's the cutest, clumsiest thing ever. Poor guy, that must have been so embarrassing, I chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Sehun asks.

"Nothing," I say, unable to conceal my laugh.

"Dude, what's up!?" Sehun bites with irritation. Someone needs a drink.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but don't laugh."

"I thought it was funny. Now I can't laugh?"

"No, it's really pathetic on my part and I should not be laughing." My body shivers as waves of humor overtake me.

"I think I might be laughing given your response. I'll try not to laugh, and I'll tell you what I think."

Sehun's my best buddy and there's nothing I can't tell him. I came out to him in high school and he never batted an eyelash and has been one of my biggest supporters.

"I have a crush on a new hire in the Holiday Department." I know I have a huge grin on my face, and I can't seem to settle it down. "He actually walked right into me when I was coming off the elevator 2 weeks ago."

"Okay, that sounds painful. Not seeing the humor in that," Sehun says as he pulls into a parking space.

"No, that was where the cuteness started," I say, continuing my grin. "He was too cute like a shy little bunny."

"So, what was funny about that?" Sehun asks.

"No, not yet. Wait for it. So earlier today I was doing my walk through and on my list was the Holiday Department. And by the way the department looks amazing!"

"It better because we're counting on it this year," Sehun says.

"I'm walking through taking my time looking at the Kim Tree Topper, which is amazing."

"Tae, the club closes in like 6 hours, could you move this along?!"

"Alright. I'm almost through the department and then hear this loud crash followed by a series of bangs and I rush over. On the floor is the young man from my elevator encounter." I burst out laughing. "He was tangled in Christmas lights, laying on top of a Christmas Tree like a huge ornament. The Christmas lights were blinking, he dismembered the head of a reindeer and was missing a shoe." I'm laughing so hard I wipe my eyes.

"Did you call medical?" I shake my head no.

"Tae, that's a huge liability for the store. Please let me know when you get to the funny part."

"Sehun, this is the funny part."

"I don't see humor, just a damn lawsuit. Did he go for a drug test?"

"No, Sehun!"

"Look, you see cuteness and I see liability. Sounds like a legal issue."

"Never mind, let's get inside and get a drink."

We enter the club and it's packed. Sehun arranged for us to be seated in the VIP section. There's a mixture of men and women, but mostly men. As we head to our seats, several guys wink, smile and blow kisses our way.

I'm not a clubber but I do enjoy the music and watching those with good dancing skills. As soon as we're seated, the waiter appears.

"You two yummies together?" he says, looking back and forth between us with a devilish smile. "Because I'm not sure which one of you is going home with me. But I'm definitely open to a threesome."

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