Part 19: Silly papa

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Christmas Day and Tae and Kookie's 7th Wedding Anniversary

Taehyung's POV

Kookie and I adopted 5 beautiful children from around the world. We first adopted our twin sons, Joonjae and Seojae at 6 months. They were born in South Korea and they're identical. They recently turned 6 years old. They are balls of energy and I still rely on my husband at times to tell me who is who.

Our 3rd child is Rishi who was born in India. He is 4 years old and was only 10 days old when we adopted him. He has a sensitive nature and is incredibly sweet. He also has as much or more energy as his two older brothers.

Zahara is our adorable 3-year-old daughter. She was born in Ethiopia and adopted at 2 months after her parents were killed in an earthquake. She is the flower blossom in my heart and our only daughter. She's smart and very attached to dada Kookie. She is also feisty and sassy.

I remember the day we got the call from the adoption agency. Kookie and I immediately said yes and brought baby Zahara home 5 days later.

Finally, our youngest is 6-month-old baby Ben, born in England. This little bundle of joy was adopted at 1 month of age. He has an infectious laugh and is terribly precious.

Our guests for Christmas dinner are Lisa, her husband Sehun, and Jojo. They have been married 4 years and Lisa is 7 months pregnant with their first and expecting twins.

Jojo is now 10 and can't wait to be a big sister. She is very close to her stepdad Sehun. He loves and cares for her as his own. Jojo often comes over to play with Zahara. Zahara adores Jojo.

Lisa and Jojo have invited her for sleepovers before; however, Zahara doesn't want to be separated from Dada Kookie.

Lisa is now the director of Employment services after Mr. Wu retired 2 years ago and Sehun is now the Chief Operating Officer at Kim's.

Kookie and I are incredibly happy and deeply in love with each other. Kookie is still sassy, feisty, and ready to fight anyone, especially when it comes to our children. He still loves his rants, and I just smile and listen until he is done.

I have never been as fulfilled as I am now. I have my husband whom I deeply love and our 5 little Kim children. Kookie and I do our best to provide a loving and safe home. We make sure they each get plenty of attention and know that they are loved. Unfortunately, each of our little ones were at-risk children due to various reasons such as poverty, born to drug a addicted mom, abandonment, medical problems and even sadly abuse. Now they are healthy and thriving. But there are still scars that are not visible to the eye.

Jungkook's POV

What a wonderful Christmas this has been. I'm just saturated in joy. Our home is filled with joy and laughter. I have my precious little babies and my husband, the love of my life. My best friend Lisa is present with her family.

Lisa and I talk almost daily. We still love to laugh about that first Christmas in the Holiday Department. How beautiful our lives and stories are now.

We have just had a delicious Christmas dinner as Papa Tae tries to round up his little tribe to open and exchange gifts. This is Kim's tradition in this home and each year my husband is hilarious.

"Children! Children!" Tae shouts from the great room. The first ones to come into the family room are me, carrying Baby Ben with Zahara joined at my hip. I smile and chuckle at Tae's attempt to gather his very active sons.

Lisa, Sehun, and Jojo follow, taking a seat on the couch.

"Children! Papa has presents!" All three rambunctious young boys come running and giggling into the family room.

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