twenty six | charity case

Start from the beginning

Lucky baby.

"Today's game is a big deal, high stakes." Ciara explains, smoothing out her daughter's braids. "Colorado have been at the top of the league lately so they're a big competitor. Not to mention that they have some pretty big names on the ice today."

I hum in understanding and follow her out of the elevator, scooping Nevaeh up on the way. "Any I would have heard of?"

"Hm, I don't know. You do live under a hockey rock." She chuckles playfully. "But Greyson and Logan are particularly excited about this one, maybe even more so than the reporters."

Logan? Excited? I'll believe that when I see it.

"They're playing against one of their old college teammates, he was made the Avalanche captain last year."

We weave our away around some of the other families in the hallway before a security guard directs us into the Vaughn suite.

Yup, they have their own dang suite. I can't help but think what a huge improvement this is from being in that communal box. At least now I can limit my interactions with the real life mean girls I met last time.

"From the sounds of it, they were all the best of friends in college. Especially him and Greyson. In fact, I'd be surprised if you haven't heard Grey gushing about him."

As we step foot into the private box, a cloud of warm air envelopes me. It's a stark contrast to the below freezing temperatures outside and I'm counting my lucky stars that Ciara has the room fully stocked with fuzzy blankets and hot cocoa.

Although I'll probably be drinking something a little stronger than that tonight...

"Oh, look! That's him on the big screen. They're showing his stats." Ciara points to the jumbotron excitedly, Cruz following the line of her finger with a cheesy, toothless, grin.

"Holden Zhao?" I read aloud, not recognising his name or the picture resting beside his game statistics.

He looks a little younger than Logan, probably only by a year or two, but his lack of facial hair makes him appear more youthful.

Even from just a slightly blurry picture on the jumbotron, I can see in his cheeky smile that he's fun, energetic and most likely a total sweetheart.

I wonder how him and Logan were ever friends...

"You'll love him. We all do." Ciara tells me, setting Cruz down on the soft play mat she keeps in here. "He's so sweet, a little off-the-rails at times too, but who doesn't love a little crazy?"

"I know I do."

I whip my head to the door and smile wider as Cecilia struts in with her custom 'Hastings' denim jacket on and her pink hair in one neat braid.

"Ooo, cute jacket!" Ciara compliments, handing her son a soft toy and taking Neveah from my arms. "Where did you get it? I want one!"

Cece gives us a little swirl, showing off the sparkles on the back and the pink letters spelling her name out right above the big 'Hastings'. "Thank you very much, I like your's, Ci, the Devil's red suits you."

She chuckles and adjusts her knee high leather boots. "That's the whole reason I started dating Carter, because red is my colour."

"I love that you've got your priorities straight." I admit as Cece shrugs off her jacket and pulls a hip flask out of the inside pocket.

God, I'm glad that we're friends.

"In case of emergencies." She whispers to me with a wink before turning to Ciara and answering her. "This is a Cecilia Hastings original- I think I made it when I was 15."

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