In the meantime, Bada was warming up to teach her choreo which was actually a collab with J-Ho from Justjerk Studio, an old friend and fellow teacher. Their dance had a lot of close, flirtatious moves, as Chris Brown music often called for, and she knew videos were about to get crazy. At one point she literally sat on top of him laying on the floor, and, while she loved teaching and it was all in good fun, seeing phones' flashlights capturing the moment tugged at her heart. She couldn't help but worry it might be a bit uncomfortable for Amaia, whom she hoped had not stick around to watch. At the end, she shook J-Ho's hands in a gesture that she hoped screamed we're just friends. She took the time at the end of the class to take pictures, thank everyone, and pose a bit with J-Ho, but she couldn't wait to get back home.

Amaia was chilling in the sofa, muscles a bit sore, scrolling on Instagram. She felt much better, relaxed but still high on serotonin from teaching her first class. However, once she saw the story of 1M on insta, and her mood was instantly ruined. Bada was grinding against J-Ho , doing a full floor choreography on him. Amaia felt her cheeks burn. J-Ho's hand placement was.... Interesting to say the least. She couldn't help but feel her heart twist at the bright smile Bada flashed him at the end. She was not the jealous type, but it would help a bit to have made their relationship a bit more "official".

Bada, entering the apartment, found Amaia lost in her thoughts. "Hey beautiful, how was the class?"

"Great, thanks," Amaia responded with a lopsided smile. Bada immediately sensed something was off. Dropping her bag, she went over to the sofa, attempting to embrace Amaia.

"Is everything all right?" But as she closed the distance, Amaia jumped up, putting distance between them. It felt as if a bucket of ice had been dumped over Bada's head.

"Amaia? What -"

"You didn't mention you were teaching a collab class. Must have slipped your mind. But, the choreo looks great, you guys seem...close" she concluded a bit defeated. She did not want to be the girlfriend that did not support her partner, especially in their professional career, but she couldn't help replay in loop images of Bada grinding on this perfect stranger. 

"Amaia I did not said a thing because it meant so little to me. I considered it just another collaboration, like any other with a professional dancer."

"I know what our job entails, thanks." Amaia was not going to be scolded on what being professional meant. "But I just wish sometimes I could show you off as my girlfriend a bit more... and I would not mind people knowing about us."

Bada winced but kept silent, realizing they should have had this discussion earlier.

"I mean, only if you're comfortable...but you know, I'm living with you, so it seems a bit late to tell me now that you don't really want me to be your girlfriend," Amaia tried to joke, but she was suddenly terrified that she had assumed a non-existent relationship.

Bada quickly de-escalated the situation.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry I worried you. I can never apologise enough for creating a situation where my feelings for you are unclear, or where you doubt that I want the same things as you. I would do anything for you. Yeah, of course, you're 100% my girl. Thinking about what we should and should not show in public was a mistake. You're with me. We're a team". She smiled as she saw the tension ease from the brunette's shoulders.

"Ok ok good, I was afraid I was getting ahead of myself for a moment," Amaia laughed, the pressure on her heart loosening a little.

"Don't apologise love, we're fine." Bada finally hugged her and Amaia melted into her arms, both longing for the other's embrace.

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