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Tracing back to when Ryujin was younger, she would never know her answer to the question, "What do you want to do when you're older?"

Many people would reassure her and tell her that she needn't worry about that when she's young. But now that the time has come when she finally has to decide, Ryujin is having great trouble. Yes, she was an English Lit major; it's what she loves. However, she knew that she couldn't possibly make a career out of it. It was a serious hobby, sort of.

In fact, ever since she was little, she would dream of opening up a cozy café with her family. That didn't happen, obviously. And her brother is travelling around the world, doing what he does best; sing. Thus, her dream would only come true in another universe.

However, when she told Yeji about it, the brunette had a wonderful idea.

"What if you opened up a café with your new family?" The right corner of Yeji's mouth curves up. When Ryujin's eyebrow lifts in question, Yeji would reach for Toothless beside her, holding her up.

That's when it clicked.

"Marry me, Ryujin. Marry me so we can adopt another cat and name it Light Fury," Yeji proposes, gently setting Toothless down before reaching for the mug of hot chocolate beside Ryujin, chugging most of its contents before she digs out a shiny, liquid stained ring. "This might have not went as planned... But will you?"

Hiding her gaping mouth behind her hand, Ryujin feels tears prickling at her eyelids. "Yeji, I..." She's at a loss for words. Anyone would be if Hwang Yeji proposed to you, right? "Yes! I will. I'd marry you a million times in every other universe that exists!"

And so they were married. It doesn't change much in their relationship, except for the additional ring that cups their ring finger, and they do in fact feel much closer now. It's an indescribable feeling that Ryujin savours every day that she lives, knowing that she's finally found the one person who is capable of turning her world upside down in the best ways possible.

Despite the fact that they spend almost every existing moment together, boredom never crosses their mind. They have Toothless, a cafe-in-progress, and they always have each other.

Ryujin would say that her world is no longer dull and colourless. Instead, it's the epitome of sunshine, rainbows, with the addition of several childish doodles of Toothless.

All because of a cup of hot chocolate.

Yeji is her cup of hot chocolate.

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