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It starts off as chill. Ryujin is meeting new people, specifically members of Yeji's family, and she finds it nice.

At first, anyway.

It isn't until when she's surrounded by a bunch of aunties, teenagers, and even little kids, that she realizes it isn't such a nice thing. She's overwhelmed, and Yeji is nowhere in sight.

"Ryujin!" A girl plops down beside her on the couch, handing her a fruity drink. "It's the summer, which calls for a summer drink."

Ryujin chuckles as she examines the colourful liquid. "Isn't this alcohol?"

Heejin hushes her. "Shh! Do not let the kids hear that. They give me more shit than our parents."

The former jin laughs and takes a sip to make sure the other girl isn't joking. Ryujin's eyebrows jumps up and she slaps the latter. "I thought you were kidding!"

Heejin grins and bumps her drink with Ryujin's. "Cheers to you too."

It's only the afternoon of Ryujin's first day here. She's met lots of Yeji's cousins and close family friends with the help of the brunette as well as Aeri. Ryujin initially expected a whole pack of people to burst through the door but it didn't happen. In fact, that "pack of people" were already settled in their rooms, surprising Ryujin one by one when they emerged.

Heejin was one of the first to exit her room. She caught Ryujin's eye because of how effortlessly pretty she looked. She was in her PJs and she admitted that she didn't bother to put in too much effort as it was just a... family thing. Heejin didn't expect any newcomers. After a bit of talking, Ryujin discovered that the girl was close to Yeji as well. She's one of her family friends that grew up with the brunette. Therefore, Ryujin didn't hesitate to befriend her.

The next person that Ryujin acquainted was Hwang Hyunjin. Apparently, there's two Hyunjins in their family line. And Heejin made sure to inform Ryujin to use their last names when referring to one. Turns out, Hwang Hyunjin is the one that's been taking care of Toothless all along. Yeji's said it herself, he's the closest cousin she has.

Following behind Hyunjin was Jisu. Or Lia, whichever fit the situation. Due to Aeri's claims, her real name, Jisu, is used more in serious situations. Whatever that meant. Ryujin found out that she studied in Canada for most of high school, only coming back to Korea for university. Hence, her nickname Lia that stemmed from her English name, Julia. She's soft, a little goofy, and according to Heejin, she gets loud when she's either wasted or when she's comfortable with you. She's a family friend.

These three were the only ones Ryujin can name off the top of her head. Everyone else was a blur. There was simply too many.

"Hey," Yeji's mesmerizing smile snaps Ryujin out of her reverie. "Having fun?"

Ryujin frowns. "Alone? Not really," she looks around, "I don't even know where Heejin went. Everyone seems to be leaving me today."

"Oof," Yeji grimaces, taking a seat beside her. Their arms brush. "Sorry for leaving you, I was helping around in the kitchen. You must've been overwhelmed."

"I was. I am," Ryujin grins. "But I'm feeling relieved now that you're here."

Yeji's head ducks and somehow she thinks that doing so would hide her blush. It doesn't.

Ryujin smiles to herself, placing the fruity alcohol on the coffee table nearby. She turns to the brunette. "So, what's the plan of today? Your folks seem like the people to have a whole schedule for the day."

The feline-eyed girl groans as she raises her head, deliberately rolling her eyes. Suddenly, her earlier trail of pink disappears. "Yes, oh my god. You have no idea." She reaches for Ryujin's drink and downs it in one gulp. The latter's eyes widen as she watches; they just indirectly kissed. Lost in that thought and the sight she witnessed, Ryujin zones out for a while, missing Yeji's rant and explanation of their family schedule for the day. She blocks out most of it until she hears something along the lines of, "My grandmother wants to meet you because for some reason, she thinks that we're dating."

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