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Yeji paces back and forth as she awaits a response.

Her phone is clutched tightly in her hand, tight enough for the skin over her knuckles to whiten. Perhaps it's the anxiety gnawing at her, or her fear of rejection. Both feelings are similar and Yeji's mind is too occupied to differentiate them.

She sent a text message to a recently made group chat earlier. The members in there includes Yuna, Chaeryeong, Ryujin, and herself. It was Chaeryeong who created that group chat after Yeji privately messaged her about her concerns relating to a particular Shin.

Not the younger one. The one with adorable whisker dimples.

What she sent in the group chat was an invite to a sleepover tonight. The main goal behind that invite was to see Ryujin again without making it too awkward.

Yeji's always got a clear mind. She knows what happened that night when she drunk dialled Ryujin. Was it anything bad? No. But she's aware of the tension that thickened right after that night. So because of that, Yeji decides on inviting the others over as well, just in case things get too uncomfortable for whatever reason that Yeji does not favour acknowledging.

Therefore, when she hears the doorbell, she pretends like her heart isn't quickening at the thought that the person behind the door could potentially be someone she's missing.

She opens the door.


It isn't her. It's Yuna.

"Oh," Yeji utters, feeling guilty that she's somewhat disheartened. "Hi! You're early, as always."

What was I expecting?

Or, more importantly, who?

"Can't miss out on a sleepover!" Yuna exclaims with her half-grin. It's like her default expression at this point. She steps in and kicks off her shoes, sliding right across the dark oak flooring. "You rarely do sleepovers. I feel special."

"Don't get used to it," Yeji smiles tightly, too forced to feel genuine. The only ever content, genuine, and carefree smiles she ever wears is normally around Ryujin. Not that her friends don't do a good job of that, because they also make her smile widely. Truly. Just maybe not as often as Ryujin does, and surely not as well.

"So have you talked to Ryujin yet?" Yuna asks while digging a fork down the side of a leftover piece of chocolate mousse cake. "She's coming today, right?"

Yeji sighs, closing the door behind her. "I'm planning on it. And yes, she's coming tonight. Hopefully."

Yuna tilts her head in confusion. "You seem oddly nervous, eonni."

The cat-eyed perks up at the younger's use of honorifics, which is something she barely does unless she's serious or concerned. Sometimes, the girl just wants something and uses honorifics to sort of sway Yeji. It doesn't work all the time.

Yeji quirks her brow but doesn't mention anything about it. "No. I just haven't seen her in a while."

"Didn't you see her that night?" Yuna asks, moving her fork in a circular motion as she thinks. "Last week, was it? You talked to her."

"Hardly." Yeji organizes Yuna's scattered pair of shoes. "I was drunk and I impulsively left the next morning because of how shocked I was."

"Why were you shocked?"


Thank god, Yeji thinks. "I got it!" And she pulls the door open without further thought, only to realize the consequences to the surprise that stands behind the door.

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