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Yeji likes spending time with Ryujin. Every time the girl makes a surprise visit after a long day, she immediately finds herself beaming. It didn't matter if Ryujin was only here to see Toothless. All she appreciated was the sight of those cheeky whisker dimples that popped out whenever she played with the furry animal.

From that night when they made up, things have been smoothly sailing once again. They continue to make dinner plans, have unplanned movie nights, and observing Toothless' growth. She's grown quite a bit now, not exactly a small kitten anymore.

"Yeji, where's the rest of the yarn? Toothless needs a new toy!" Ryujin calls out from the living room, her voice carrying a mix of amusement and eagerness.

Yeji chuckles softly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she rummages through a drawer. "Coming!" she replies, glancing around until she found the vibrant ball of yarn, the same one they bought when Toothless was just a tiny furball.

As she retreats to the living room, she couldn't help but beam at the scene beforehand. Ryujin's sat cross-legged on the grey carpet, Toothless is sprawled out in front of her, already purring with anticipation. It's been a noisy night, the perfect way to start their summer break.

"Any plans for the summer?" Ryujin questions the brunette once she plops down on the carpet with her. "I heard your mom called."

Yeji nods. "She did," then shrugs, "The purpose of that call was to invite me back to our family home for at least one month of the summer."

"And you said?"

"I said I'll think about it," Yeji sighs, extending her right arm behind her to pick up her unfinished cup of hot chocolate. "Her and my father have been wondering when I'm going to finally bring someone back."

Ryujin smirks. "Oh?"

"Don't," Yeji laughs.

The raven-haired girl quirks a brow as she ruffles Toothless' fur. "When was the last time?"

At that, the cat-eyed shrinks into herself. "Practically never. All of my relationships didn't last long enough to make it to the annual family invitation, and my mom has been impatient since I'm an only child."

"Ah," Ryujin nods in understanding. She retracts her hand at the same moment she lifts her gaze. "So what's the reason behind none of them lasting?"

Yeji shrugs once more. "Honestly, it's hard to pinpoint one reason. Sometimes it's the timing, sometimes it's just not the right fit," she muses, swirling the lukewarm chocolate in her cup. "I guess I haven't found someone I want to bring home yet."

Ryujin hums thoughtfully, her eyes flitting between Yeji and Toothless. "Do you think your parents' expectations make it harder?"

"Maybe a little," Yeji admits, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "But I don't want to force something just to meet their expectations. When it's right, it'll happen."

Toothless, seemingly sensing the shift in the conversation, nuzzles against Yeji's leg, seeking comfort. She smiles, absently scratching behind the kitten's ears.

"I suppose you aren't going this summer then?"

"No, I am."

"With who?"

Yeji tilts her head in thought, subconsciously looking around as she did so. Eventually, her feline eyes lands on the girl in front of her. Ryujin blinks. "You."

"Sorry, what?"

The brunette shakes her head frantically, waving her hands in front of her. "That's not what I meant! I meant it in a... platonic way. Like, I could introduce you, one of my closest friends whom I'm raising a pet with, to my family," Yeji explains. For some reason, little sweat beads are producing on her forehead.

Ryujin, on the other hand, seems to be getting entertainment out of this. That knowing grin of hers somehow ticks Yeji off, in a semi-good way. "I see. Is that your indirect invite?"

Yeji opens her mouth, then closes. She's not sure what to do with the teasing and she really hopes that her ears aren't red.

"I guess it is."

short chapter :( sorry for dragging the progression of these two!! i hope these cute moments of them would be worth the wait ;)

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