Chap. 30 - Dancing with Death

Start from the beginning

Its other limb was no longer even a hand, but a hideous fleshy worm known as the whip of torment. A lethal gift from the god of excess to his most beloved children. A fleshy mass that writhes and cuts its victims as if it had a mind of its own.

 A fleshy mass that writhes and cuts its victims as if it had a mind of its own

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Still, the injuries on Lucius' body were evident. Apparently, the previous duel with the Aeldari Fenix ​​lord had its consequences, because although Lucius seemed to have emerged victorious, he received a couple of wounds that for many beings of lesser power would have been fatal. But Lucius was far from a mere mortal.

Even with his whip full of cuts, his stomach pierced by the edge of a spear, dozens of small wounds all over his body and his thick blood of a dark red color almost black, Lucius was still standing, and although dying, perfectly capable of face his two opponents. and more than happy about it.

Aeldari:- Careful! -

The one who had already seen him fight was alarmed by the chaos marine's movement. There was no time for explanations, but Kanan knew that some kind of attack was coming, and he was right.

The ork watched with fear as Lucius's fleshy arm was raised, launching it at them like a deadly whip that split the ground beneath their feet as he charged at them. The aeldari had no problem dodging it with her impressive agility, although Kanan had to position his sword to try to parry the attack, but he was unable to stop the recoil of the whip when it arched over the edge of his blade and hit the shoulder pad that was now carried

The impact was brutal, forcing the ork to kneel, and shaking his already badly injured body, but at least the enormous piece of imperial metal managed to save his life... Momentarily.

When Kanan managed to recover his senses after the imposing blow, he saw how the badly injured chaos marine launched himself at him with an absurd speed for his enormous size, and with his sword raised ready to pierce the ork's thick skin.

Taking advantage of his low posture and that he already had the sword horizontal, Kanan rose with all his strength, hitting his opponent's blade with his own, causing the eardrums of those present to shake with a powerful noise, at the same time that he made them retreat. Lucius takes a couple of steps before he can regain his posture.

Lucius: - Yeah! You are strong. I love it. I love it. Another brand for my face. Another blood for thirst. My lady will be very pleased when I cut off your head. -

Lucius' madness was unmatched. His sanity was the price he had to pay for his immortality, but that was a paltry price compared to becoming the greatest swordsman in the galaxy. He was already beginning to enjoy the confrontation, when he remembered that the ork did not fight alone.

Kanan watched in amazement as the aeldari who had disappeared from his sight a few seconds ago disappeared among the death and blood and appeared behind the maniac above his head. His strange, enormous serrated sword was ready to take his opponent's life, but that was a trick that would not catch the Chaos Marine off guard.

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