Chapter Seven: Yoshua Yasuke, The Son Of Raven Branwen

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"YOSHUA!" Yang and Vernal were shocked that Yoshua was able to find them as quickly as he did.

"You know this young man?" One of the members of the tribe asked Yang and Vernal, who returned from their training session.

"Yes!" Vernal shouts, "SO PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS! NOW!"

The tribal family did just that. Yoshua kept Emerald blood red eyes on the woman who shared the same eyes as himself: "You know why I'm here. But in case you're too DENSE to figure it out, I'll explain it to you," He tells Raven: "I'm here to know what the Fang and Your TRIBE are going next."

"And why should that matter to you, Young Yasuke?" Raven asked the boy. On the outside, she displayed dominance, but on the inside? Within her heart, she was torn up inside.

Yoshua: "What you and the Fang are planning is going to lead to catastrophic destruction and despair as we know it." He tells Raven: "Can you live with that on your conscience?"

"We will do what we must, Young Yasuke." Raven tells the young man: "Is that all you desire to know?" She asked him: "As if you believe I'll grant your request regardless of your pleas and begging."

Yoshua: "Cut the Crap." He tells her: "There is something else...But in order for that to be answered, I have to beat you...Right?"

"No." Yang steps in, stepping in front of Yoshua, keeping herself between Raven and Yoshua, "You don't have to do that."

"We know the truth." Vernal tells Yoshua, standing beside Yang

Yoshua: "Stand aside." He tells them both: "This is between me and Raven...Or does Mom sound more fitting to a peasant like yourself?"

Raven cracks her knuckles, "So you found out?"

Yoshua clenches his fist: "You can say that I got lucky thanks to a few hints I found lying on the ground." He tells Raven

Raven steps down some stairs and pushes Yang and Vernal aside, looking down on her son, "And yet even with this truth...You still desire to know more?"

Yoshua looks up at Raven: "That was the purpose of your proposal, right, Mom?" He tells her: "I need to know why you would torment my Dad like you did...He didn't want to be a father...Let alone a father to a son he had by a woman who drugged him and wanted nothing to do with him or the offspring YOU made with him."

"Didn't you read the letter?" Raven asked Yoshua

Yoshua: "I read it." He replies: "But I figured I'd hear it from the horse's mouth. Unless you want to say otherwise."

Raven stares deeply into her son's eyes, "Follow me." She says to him, walking past Yoshua as though she was leading him to a location where they would begin their battle.

Yoshua huffs, but he follows behind Raven.

"Let's go Yang." Vernal says to her sister, "We'll have to monitor their fight in case one of them takes it too far."

"I'll do it." Yang replies, "You stay here with the Tribe. Okay?"

"Okay." Vernal replies, "Be careful dear sister."

Yang only nods as she follows Raven and Yoshua.


Travel back into the past, back when Owen Yasuke was not a single father. A lone-wolf that did what he had to do as a Hunter and Elemental in training at Beacon Academy. Around this point in time, Owen was 17 years old. He became friends with Team STRQ thanks to Summer and their teamwork together during a mission that could have gotten her killed if Owen didn't show up in the nick of time.

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