Chapter 4 - Vale

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After initiation Brigitte and I went back to our dorms and collapsed on our bed. We were so tired that we actually took a nap.

Brigitte woke up first from her nap and yawned. She looked around then she got up and headed to the bathroom.

Soon after Brigitte went to the bathroom and (Y/N) woke up from the sound of a door closing. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, now he's fully awake. He tried to get out of bed but he felt something heavy.

(Y/N): What the fuck? (He said to himself)

What (Y/N) saw was his gaming console he had back home and his phone lying on top of him.

(Y/N): How the fu...

Brigitte then exit the bathroom and saw (Y/N) awake and confused with a bunch of electronics on his bed.

Brigitte: Hey (Y/N). What are those on your bed?

(Y/N) was baffled and so confused that he couldn't answer her. Brigitte then walked up to (Y/N) and put her hand on his shoulder and told him to relax and breathe.

(Y/N): Those were my stuff back at home, I don't understand why and how they got here. (He exclaimed)

Brigitte: maybe your parents brought them here for you incase you get bored? (she said then she sat down next to him)

(Y/N): oh right.. I forgot to tell you that I'm not from here. (He looked at her)

Brigitte: Your not? (she looked back at him confused)

(Y/N) then told her what happened to him and how he got here. She then was also wondering who and how his personal stuff got here.

Brigitte: Should we tell Ozpin?

(Y/N): No... I don't want him taking my fun away and also I don't trust him for some reason.

Brigitte: Fair enough. What about Team RWBY and JNPR? We can tell them, right?

(Y/N): Yeah, okay we can tell them.

Suddenly a knock came from the door. (Y/N) and Brigitte looked at each other eyes wide open. (Y/N) scrambled all his stuff under his bed hoping who ever was outside their door wouldn't see it.

Brigitte then opened the door and saw Professor Goodwitch on the other side.

Glynda: Hello you two. (She said cheerfully) I came here to give you your scrolls since I kinda forgot too. (she awkwardly chuckled)

Brigitte: Thank you Gly- Professor Goodwitch. (She smiled)

Glynda nodded at her and handed her 2 scrolls.

Brigitte then grabbed the 2 scrolls.

Brigitte: May I ask, what's a scroll?

Glynda: A scroll is a item where you can communicate to other people, check you and your team's aura and some other stuff I forgot. Hehe... (She chuckled again and scratch the back of her neck)

Brigitte: Ah, I see. Thank you Proffesor. (She smiled and nodded to her)

Glynda: Your welcome. Oh, and also your class starts tomorrow at 8am so don't be late. Don't forget to check your timetables incase you've forgotton.

Brigitte then nodded at her and closed the door. She then saw (Y/N) come out of the bathroom in his uniform.

(Y/N): Okay, he's not wrong this uniform is not bad.

Brigitte giggled at his comment and placed the scrolls on a desk. She then grabbed her uniform and headed to the bathroom to get changed.

(Y/N) then got under his bed and grabbed his phone and turned it on. The first thing he saw was his background which was a picture of a black cat.

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