"No! It's something, and you're going to tell me. Now!" I don't understand why she's being so stubborn. I know she's being a mum and doing what mums normally do, but I don't need this right now. All I need is to leave this house. I need air.

"Mum, please. Let's not do this now." Now she looks hurt. Her eyes look glassy with the sudden tears that have gathered.

"Please don't cry, mum." I walk up to her and rap her in my arms. I shouldn't have answered her like that. All she's doing is caring.

"What's wrong, Alpha? Please tell me." She pleads with me. I can't stand the hurt in her eyes.

"It's Cameron." I give into her.

"What happened?" She wriggles out of my grip and looks at me with full curiosity.

"I told her that I love her." Her face lights up. My mum has been telling me since our first Sunday that she knew I liked her. I kept on denying it, though.

"Really? And?"

"She rejected me." My tone is placent. No emotion. Her eyes go wide with shock, but she recovers and replaces her expression with compassion and pain for me.

"How?" She asks. Mum!

"After I told her, she got a phone call. It was from whoever told her that the guy she loves was in trouble." My voice is still emotionless. I'm trying my best not to break down as the images flash through my mind.

"And?" Why is she so eager to hear this?

"She left." That's all I say, and the tears return to her eyes. She wants to cry. Mum!

"Just like that."

"She was hesitant at first, like she was fighting a battle within herself. I made it easier for her. I told her to leave. That's what she wanted. She just didn't know how to tell me."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do."

"Why didn't you allow her to make a choice?" What's she getting at?

"I saw into her, mum. She was so worried about him. I couldn't make her stay with me. I told her to go to him."

"That's really sweet, Alpha, but you should have allowed the girl to make her own decision."

"What does it matter, mum? If she wanted to stay, she would have. She would have ignored me telling her to go." My mum doesn't want to be convinced.

"I don't think so. Has she tried to call you?"



"I haven't answered her calls." My mum's face brightens up, and she bursts into laughter.


"I didn't think my son was so dumb when it came to matters of the heart."

"What do you mean?"

"How many times has she called?"

"Since Saturday."

"And you haven't picked even once?" Her eyes go wide again.

"Yes, mum." Can she just get to rhe point.

"Why won't you pick?"

"I know what she has to say already."

"And what's that?"

"She wants to apologise, mum. She doesn't have to. I'm not angry. She went with who she wanted, and it's cool."

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