Inside of the headquarters, another chief assembly was being held. Currently, the chiefs were going over the aftermath of the Yokohama incident. Even after Nagisa killed all the shuuki in Yokohama, the fact that so much shuuki appeared in our world to begin with was enough to cause panic. Knowing this, Ren let a sigh escape from her lips.

"Mira did a great job evacuating the civilians. We avoided turning this into a true panic."

"That's a given, we're the Mato Defense Corps. But I can't take all the credit since it was Nagisa's idea in the first place to evacuate the civilians and he was the one who killed all the shuuki in the city."

Ren grew silent the moment she heard this. She knew that Mira had a point and Nagisa being able to pull something like that off with no powers was incredible. The moment she looked at the boy, she saw a smug look on his face. In this situation, her not speaking up and giving him some form of credit would make her look bad. Yet if she does that, Nagisa would never let her live it down.

"I guess Tomioka Nagisa was in fact a key factor in the safety of the people. So thank you for your hard work."

"At least try to make it sound sincere and not robotic, you damn she-devil."

"Now that our world was brought to danger, we will have to change our course

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"Now that our world was brought to danger, we will have to change our course. There are many things we don't know about the Gods of Thunder, like their location. We have to investigate them further. So in the meantime, we'll make an official Mato Emergency Announcement."

Soon Ren began to explain the details about the announcement. It would be an announcement to prepare for the threat of the Gods of Thunder. Not only that, they would work closely with their own world. Doing so would also put the people more at ease. As Ren dismissed everyone since the meeting was now over, she looked over at Nagisa and motioned for him to come close to her.

"What do you want? If you're gonna degrade me, just know that isn't my kink, so you won't get a reaction you'd like."

"No, I was just wondering if you're aware of the situation you're in."


"Oh my, it seems you really are ignorant of the situation, Tomioka Nagisa. No, isn't that right, Yamazaki Nagisa."

Nagisa merely looked at the girl confused. Seeing this expression, Ren merely laughed. It was almost sad how ignorant Nagisa was in this situation. As her laughter died down, she began to float in the air as she lifts Nagisa's chin to make him look at her.

"This wasn't the first time we met and this wasn't the first time you shamed me, but you don't seem to remember."

"Look, I know i'm a handsome devil, but keep this up and i'll have to look into if the Corps has an Human Resources department."

"So you really don't remember, huh. That's good, it just means when the time comes, I can see YOU in shock and have the last laugh. You are dismissed."

Hearing this, Nagisa merely nods his head as he left the room to go find Tenka. As this happened, Ren was alone as she sat down in her chair. Honestly, Nagisa was just as sufferable to her back then as he is now.

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