"I know what I have done, and I regret it deeply. I just hope that one day we can be what we used to be. I can't stand fighting with my little sister" 

| Hayden Walton - 29 |

"Sometimes people are worth fighting for

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"Sometimes people are worth fighting for. They just don't think they deserve it because their entire life, they have been fighting to be loved by someone who won't love them and they don't understand it"

| Oliver Walton - 27 |

"People will ask you why you didn't stand with them and fight their battles with them, but sometimes you have to ask yourself, will that person do that for me, or not, because if they won't, then why stick around hurting yourself even more?"

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"People will ask you why you didn't stand with them and fight their battles with them, but sometimes you have to ask yourself, will that person do that for me, or not, because if they won't, then why stick around hurting yourself even more?"

| Theodore Walton - 24 |

"No matter what time of day or night, don't hesitate to press call on my number

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"No matter what time of day or night, don't hesitate to press call on my number. I don't care if I lose sleep to pick you up, but then I know your safe. I have you for a day longer instead of losing you to your own guilt and regret for calling me"

| Leonardo Walton - 21 |

"Everyone makes up scenarios and expectations in their head, and sometimes they happen, but when they don't, reality is there to smack you in the head, and show you what is real

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"Everyone makes up scenarios and expectations in their head, and sometimes they happen, but when they don't, reality is there to smack you in the head, and show you what is real. To show you that not everything is perfect, and that you will fall and get back up on your own"

| Elliot Walton - 19 |

"Cry all you want, but it isn't getting you anywhere

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"Cry all you want, but it isn't getting you anywhere. They hurt you, yeah, it hurts, but that just shows you that they aren't worth sticking around for. It will sting for a little, but that is life. Life is full of lessons to learn, not to already know" 

| Alannah Walton - 49 (dead) |

"At the end of day, everyone leaves a mark on your heart, cracks it, patches it up, and you move on. But its the ones that fully smash your heart and don't apologize for it are the ones that truly know that you didn't make a mistake with them. They know what they did and are proud of it, so you should be too" 

| Nicholas Walton - 50 (dead) |

"There will be many times in life where you question where you went wrong, and why you aren't right, but that's the thing. That's what you learn from. There is no escape of changing and growing up in life. Experiences do that to a person, and nothing can stop it because that is what time does to you. Changes you. Makes you grow up when it knows you should"


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