Chapter 21 - Convening

Start from the beginning

A sheepish smile formed on her face. "Honestly, I thought it might be nice if you became friends."

"Who I am friends with is not for you to decide," he scoffed.

"I know, I know," Katherine sighed, "I'm not trying to force you to do anything, it's all your choice. It's just... nevermind."

"It's just what?" he prodded, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I just thought, it's not really good if I'm your only friend."

Severus rolled his eyes. "It's perfectly fine as it is now, there is no need for me to have so many friends." Especially when he would have to serve under the Dark Lord when he returned.

But who else could you turn to when I'm not here anymore? she thought sadly, though she didn't say anything else. She knew he had Dumbledore, but it was different because Severus worked under him, and there would always be some imbalance in their relationship. However, Rosmerta was closer to their age and easy to have conversations with. Damn it, stop thinking about your impending doom again! she scolded herself.

When they had eaten, Katherine called for the bill. She immediately paid a large sum of money despite Severus' protests. "What are you doing? I won't allow you to pay for me," he said in disbelief, trying to shove his Galleons into her hand.

"No Severus, it's my treat. I was the one who wanted to come here," she pushed him away insistently. He cursed under his breath, glowering hard at her, and crossed his arms. "Come on, don't look at me like that!"

"You're the one who started it," he sulked, which made her laugh. It strangely almost felt as if they were teenagers.

"Are you leaving soon? It's almost one thirty," she asked.

"First, you irritate and defy me and now you want me to leave. Fine then, have it your way." He stood with a huff.

"Hey!" she pouted, getting ahold of his arm. "If I really had it my way, you would be stuck by my side all day, okay? You're the one leaving me here."

Her words sent intense flutters to his chest that he didn't know was possible. Severus was now gazing at Katherine so intently that she felt her body going weak, her head spinning with conflicting emotions. It seemed like forever that he towered over her, not breaking eye contact.

"Stay safe," he muttered before finally turning and exiting the inn, his black cape billowing out behind him. She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. Don't be stupid, Katherine. He was just thinking of what to say, that's all. There was nothing there. Besides, you're in no position to try anything, she scolded herself for the thoughts running through her mind at that moment.

Severus headed to the Hog's Head, his head reeling with doubt. What was he doing, holding onto this strange, wishful hope? Katherine would never have feelings for him. To him, she had made it clear from the beginning that she was in love with Lupin. So why did she get so close to him? Why did she care so much and want to stay by his side? Not to mention the way she had acted on the night of the Yule Ball, so flustered and shy unlike her usual self... or perhaps she was just playing the part and reflecting the atmosphere they were in. It pained him to think that yet again, he was stuck in another unreciprocated love that he would never recover from again. Only this time, he had brought it upon himself.

"Hello, Severus."

His gaze swept to look at the man that had just appeared in his view, who was brushing away some of his light brown hair from his face.

"Lupin," he acknowledged.

"I must say I was surprised to see a letter from you requesting to meet, Severus. So, why am I here? Did you decide you wanted to duke it out after all?" Remus joked.

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