Chapter 16 - Facing

Start from the beginning

A few portraits murmured upon seeing them pass, but none made any comments out loud. They paused before they were in view of the entrance. Severus glanced at her. "Are you ready?"

"Nope, but when will I ever be? I guess it's now or never," said Katherine, shutting her eyes. He pulled her into the Great Hall. The second his warmth left her, her eyes flew open again.

It was just as marvellous as she remembered. The ceiling was enchanted into an endless velvety sky full of shimmering white speckles. Thousands of candles floated just below, illuminating her vision with their golden glows. She scanned the long High Table, where Severus was headed, spotting the throne chair which Dumbledore usually sat in. Then her eyes wandered down to the rectangular tables where the students sat in their separate houses. They were so lively and full of hope.

The whispers started when Katherine made her way to the seat beside Severus, even many older students unable to recognise her. She almost laughed when she considered that they might have mistaken her for the new DADA professor as Moody hadn't arrived yet. The Potions Master leered at whoever glanced in their direction, causing the muttering to die down. Maybe it was the adrenaline driving away all other senses, or the fact that she had someone next to her to rely on, that she felt her anxiety slipping away.

"Want to bet on which house the first student will be sorted into?" questioned Severus, smirking slightly. The smile on her face grew. She had a feeling he was trying to lighten the mood for once.

"Hm... the first girl?" she pondered aloud, watching the first years enter in a line. The girl was short, with ginger hair in a cute bob. That was pretty uncommon for a non-Weasley... just seeing that colour reminded her of a younger version of Lily. But upon inspecting her when she turned around, Katherine saw that her features weren't similar at all. She had a shy and soft expression but looked on ahead, preparing to face whatever test came her way.

"I'd say Slytherin," he said without a thought.

"Well I think she'll be a fine Hufflepuff," retaliated Katherine.

"Hufflepuff?" snorted Severus, tilting his head. "Why? Looks more independent than one of those... teenagers who are stuck to their friends like magnets, having no brain for themselves."

She glared at him. "Hey! Just because they're friendly and loyal doesn't mean they're stupid and clingy all the time. Hufflepuff is way too overlooked, they can be smart since they work hard for it. I think anyone could excel over there."

He shook his head, a slight smirk on his face. After the hat sang its song for the year, the ceremony began. "Branstone, Eleanor!" called Minerva, placing the frayed Sorting Hat onto the girl's head when she sat on the stool.

The hat appeared to deliberate for a while and the girl fidgeted with her fingers nervously. Katherine felt for her, wanting to reassure her that it would be okay. A minute later, the black pointed hat yelled, "Has to be... HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Yes!" she cheered in a quiet voice that only Severus could hear.

He rolled his eyes. "How is it that you are able to predict everything?" he said incredulously, leaning back in his chair.

Because the expression on her face... it reminded me a bit of myself, she thought. When she turned her head, Katherine noticed the headmaster smiling at her. The look in his blue eyes was one of pride. He saw her staring at him and raised his eyebrows, his eyes darting back and forth between her and Severus. She shook her head at Albus and glanced away.

Soon, all the students were sorted and Dumbledore stood to welcome the students back, remind them of rules and announce the Triwizard Tournament. Katherine realised that Moody had not arrived yet as the seat beside her was vacant.

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