Finally Falling

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In the realm of love, I take a leap,
Embracing emotions, oh so deep.
Heart's melody dances with delight,
As I surrender to this wondrous flight.

With every beat, a symphony plays,
Guiding me through affection's maze.
Whispers of passion, soft and sweet,
In this love story, we both entreat.

Like autumn leaves, emotions descend,
As we unravel, hand in hand, my friend.
Gentle breezes carry our whispered vows,
As we explore love's uncharted boughs.

In your eyes, I find the universe's glow,
A connection that even stars don't know.
Our souls entwined, forever enthralling,
Lost in the magic of finally falling.

With every touch, our spirits ignite,
Igniting flames that burn so bright.
We unravel the layers of our hearts,
A tapestry woven with love's delicate arts.

Together we dance, in harmonious tune,
Sharing secrets beneath the moon.
In this love's embrace, we are free,
Two souls united, bound eternally.

So let us revel in this cherished affair,
Knowing that love has found us, aware.
With joy in our hearts, we'll keep recalling,
The beauty of being in love, finally falling.
Written by: Sierra Storial ( Bittercrazy18)

In the realm of love, I take a leap,
Embracing emotions, oh so deep.
Heart's melody dances with delight,
As I surrender to this wondrous flight.

With every beat, a symphony plays,
Guiding me through affection's maze.
Whispers of passion, soft and sweet,
In this love story, we both entreat.

Like autumn leaves, emotions descend,
As we unravel, hand in hand, my friend.
Gentle breezes carry our whispered vows,
As we explore love's uncharted boughs.

In your eyes, I find the universe's glow,
A connection that even stars don't know.
Our souls entwined, forever enthralling,
Lost in the magic of finally falling.

With every touch, our spirits ignite,
Igniting flames that burn so bright.
We unravel the layers of our hearts,
A tapestry woven with love's delicate arts.

Together we dance, in harmonious tune,
Sharing secrets beneath the moon.
In this love's embrace, we are free,
Two souls united, bound eternally.

So let us revel in this cherished affair,
Knowing that love has found us, aware.
With joy in our hearts, we'll keep recalling,
The beauty of being in love, finally falling.

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