Chapter 54: The Breaking

Start from the beginning

Since Isabelle's fear of me is so great, it can power the creation of... perhaps a few thousand Fear Angels, came Pitch's thoughts. If I supplement that with other fears—

The visions grew shorter. Thousands of Fear Angels sat around the lair, waiting for the war of my time to begin after the Guardians defeated Pitch in Jack's war, and my chest felt stuffed and heavy. My middle lit with sparks as the skeletal beings connected with each other. Stabs flamed to life in my chest when Pitch rejected them, and when they sneaked onto the surface to try to earn love from animals, plants, people, but people, the children who could see them, screamed and ran away, and animals were no better. Plants didn't respond.

I was briefly able to discern the thorny irritation and dull apathy of Pitch toward his Fear Angels. Why won't they behave? Then his feelings toward me: broiling anger twisting in my stomach, and tight fear clenching my gut.

Vision after vision sped past and through me, nearly too fast to process. My body began to ache with sharp pain not from any emotion or someone else, and it grew like a thousand needles jabbing into my skin. I wanted to cry out, but couldn't speak. My heart pounded harder. Something was wrong.

I tried to focus on Lotus. They would likely know what to do. Lotus. Lotus. Lotus.

It was easier to think clearly with the images, emotions, and thoughts blurring past me instead of precise details, but I couldn't catch one glimpse of the other past-traveler. Would I even be able to talk to them if it worked, with how quickly my visions were going?

The pain so strong tears scorched my pupils, I tried, though unsure how, to shout to the outside world, force from my lips, "Help! Help me! Please!" I concentrated on the present, and tried to focus on getting my message to Jamie and Sophie there. "Help me! Help!"

The visions accelerated to blurs, and the needling pain sunk deeper into my flesh. I was in nearly too much pain to think.


Emotions sparked and twisted in my body, but I didn't know where from.

"Please! Get me out!"

A murmur rose in the background of all my visions.

"Help me!"

Then all sights, sounds, everything of my visions fell away. I was sucked to the Bennett's yard. I stood soaked in the grass.

Jamie and Sophie stood in front of me, staring with wide eyes. The former held a bucket aimed in my direction.

It took a few moments to reorient myself. The sun cast warm rays on my back. Wind rustled through the low, destroyed forest. My feet stung, and grass poked up between my toes.

"Thank you," I breathed. But my mind still reeled from the many visions, and half of my thoughts returned to Ranya. What would happen to me if she lost? What would happen to our family?

"What happened?" Jamie asked.

"I had a vision. I always have visions after I use my powers. But this time, they wouldn't stop."

"You kept muttering louder and louder about Pitch and the Fear Angels. You froze. I had to carry you."

My fear was too great to wonder about my whispering. My anxiety drew all of my thoughts to my danger and visions. I just said, "That's whom I was seeing, but I've never spoken in a vision before."

"Do you want new clothes?" Sophie asked. "You're all wet."

"Yes, please."

Sophie ran inside. Jamie and I followed her in.

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