Chapter 65 - Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Start from the beginning

Olivia dropped many things in one go. I was trying to process one after another, I wasn't sure where to react first. But there is one thing that stands out the most to me.

The letter.

She wrote me a letter.

It makes sense now.

When Courtney asked me if I had received it. She meant the letter, not just the jacket. She really tried to explain everything to me.

"To be honest, I thought she was stupid, selfish, and conceited. But, after what happened this morning, I realized how brave and fearless she really is. Something that I lack."

I could hear deep remorse in her voice as she spoke.

"I hate to admit it but Courtney was the first person who made me realize the most important thing--taking responsibility for my actions. Something I had avoided for so long. But I think now is the right time. Well, if she can do it, I think I can too." Olivia paused, like she was gathering her thoughts to continue her words.

"Let me start by saying, I'm so sorry for everything, Chad. I'm so sorry for hurting you, for sacrificing our friendship and relationship for the petty life I thought I needed. For using you and taking advantage of your kindness and for not listening to you when you tried to tell me what was right. I regret trading what we had for things I thought would make me happy. I regret not cherishing the love and care you had for me."

"Livi," I couldn't help but interject, hoping to ease her mind as much as I could. "We all make mistakes, and having regret is understandable. But it's never too late to learn from our mistakes. We should focus on the present and the future, rather than dwelling on the past."

"I want to make things right. When I had everything, the cheer captain spot, the popularity, I realized it wasn't worth it without you. I want it all back to how it used to be, Chad." Her voice was full of sadness and regret.

"Olivia, what happened in the past doesn't matter now. I forgive you for that, and I'll always be here for you, you know that." I tried to console her, but I could feel she was still broken.

"But not on the same page as I want to, right?" Her voice was hopeful, and it pains me to hear her like this, knowing I can't do more to help her.

"I want to be honest with you, Livi. I don't really intend to fall in love again. That was the least of my priorities, and I hadn't even invested any energy in another relationship. I don't want to waste my time and I don't wish to get hurt again."

"But you did it... for her."

"She changed my perception of love. She is the exception." I paused and looked in Courtney's direction. Just in time, she turned. I waved at her and she smiled, waving back. "Courtney made me feel again." I finished with a smile.

"She is lucky to have you, Chad."

"If anything, I consider myself more lucky to have her. She may not know it, but she also made a huge impact on my life."

"The funny thing is, before I called you, I kind of expected to hear all this. The rejection and hearing your true feelings for her. Well, I don't blame you. Courtney really is something. When I sacrificed you for everything, she is willing to sacrifice everything for you. I'm sorry that you didn't get the chance to read her letter. It was moving and full of love."

Olivia's tone was sad, but there was also the tone of acceptance in her voice.

"I didn't need to read it to realize that. That's the thing about her, you know. She didn't have to tell me anything. Her actions speak volumes. I knew her feelings for me before she could even say them. It's because she's a person of her actions, not just words. One of the many reasons I fell for her."

"I'm happy that you never gave up on love. What I did was horrible. I'm glad you opened up with someone again. I apologize again for hurting you. Also, I just want you to know that I'm leaving now. I won't participate in that competition anymore."

I didn't expect to hear this from her. I knew how much she wanted this. I didn't want her to give up this dream of hers to show how much she regret what she has done.

"Livi, you don't have to do that just to prove that you're taking responsibility for your mistakes. A simple sorry is more than enough. It really makes a huge difference when you show that you are genuinely sorry for your mistakes. You don't have to--"

"This competition and being the cheer captain is only a reminder of my cruelty in the past. And honestly, I never really liked it." She laughed, probably the most genuine one I heard from her after a long time. "Coming here, meeting you again and Courtney, made me want to stop pretending and be myself again. The old Livi." She chirped the last three words.

"She is a keeper, Chad. She kept saying she didn't deserve someone so kind and forgiving like you. But I guess she didn't know the powerful qualities she has too. She unknowingly became a way to heal us both. She made me want to be like her, and I think she made you open up to the idea of being loved again."

Courtney was walking to my direction, with a beautiful smile on her face. She didn't say anything, but she has this content look and I couldn't stop myself from admiring her.

I smiled and responded to Olivia, "You are absolutely right. I couldn't agree more."

* * * * * *


Chad was smiling at me, with a twinkle in his eyes. Whoever he was talking to must have said something incredible for him to react like this with such joy and admiration.

He dropped the phone when I was nearing him, and his face lit up with delight as he stepped closer to hug me tight.

My heart stopped for a moment as I felt his warmth and the feeling was indescribable! After everything that had happened, I didn't expect I would have another chance to be with him and feel his embrace again. I was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't believe this was even real!

He hugged me tighter as if he never wanted to let go, and I did the same, not wanting to break the moment.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" Chad whispered in my ear, and my heart beat wildly in response.

He broke the embrace to look at me. His eyes were filled with emotion, and I just gaped at him, not able to find the words to express how I felt in that moment. But one thing is for sure, I felt like I was the luckiest girl in the world!

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and smiled, that breathtaking smile that could be the death of me. He had a way of looking at me that made my knees weak and my stomach flutter. He kept on surprising me every second, I wasn't sure if my heart could handle more!

"But if my words are not enough, then let me show you through my actions how much I love you."

Before I could even react, Chad captured my lips with a kiss that melted my heart and filled me with an overwhelming sense of love and happiness.

I kissed him back, to show him how much I love him too.


A/N: Ohh. This Chapter is inspired by the song Come What May. I hope you all liked it!

Like what I said, this is a stand alone book. There wont be any sequel to it. There will be a special and exclusive chapter only available in Patreon. Also, this book will be published as well. Hope you will like it!


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