Rosie spat, choking as a fresh wave of air hit her throat. "Don't." She growled, pushed against the van exterior by Alan, who was keeping her from trying anything. It wasn't like she could fight, or run, as she was bound to the extremes. She had to endure.

"Don't what?" Irene asked, lips twitching in a smile.

"Don't talk about her." Rosie warned, voice low and threatening.

Her bravado was brave. She certainly wasn't in a position to be making threats.

Rosie's eyes could barely see in the mist of the morning, but judging by the lack of sound, they were far off from the city, towards the scrapings of countryside and wilderness within a few hours' drive.

"Where's Jungkook?" Rosie demanded, her voice cold, unwavering.

She needed to think like Jennie. Jennie was strong, brave, unafraid. Rosie knew she couldn't break. She knew she had to think like her girlfriend.

Irene blinked, rather unimpressed. "He will be joining us here. I think you'll like what he has in store for you. After all, you're in love, right?" Her voice was teasing, brutally true.

Rosie bit her lip to keep from uttering a reply to get her killed. She needed to keep a level head.

"Oh, you think Jennie's coming to get you?" Irene let out an amused laugh, hauntingly beautiful and melodious, and Rosie had to wonder what kind of person she was before she betrayed Jennie.

"Rosie..." Irene took a step towards her, eyeing her with scrutiny. "Don't fool yourself. Jennie is a killer, a businesswoman. She never loved you. You were something to warm her bed at night, something to fuck her anger out into."

Rosie felt rage boiling within her. She knew how wrong Irene was, how she'd mischaracterized Jennie's soft fluttering kisses, her whispers of adoration, the way she'd held Rosie and worshipped her like she was some heavenly body.

"You bitch." Rosie muttered lowly, practically foaming at the mouth. "You never deserved her. She trusted you! She loved you! She would have protected you, if you just trusted her!" Rosie seethed, roaring into the black abyss of the night.

Irene struck Rosie across the face, back handing her, sending her falling over into the hard, packed dirt beside the van. Rosie could feel blood oozing from her lip, her eye stinging. She couldn't help the rage that welled up within her.

If Jennie wasn't coming to save her, she was sure as hell going to make her last words count. Spitting out blood, she leaned up, eyes finding Alan, who'd been quietly cowering in the corner.

"And you." Rosie growled, low and guttural. "Her family's most trusted friend? Their loyal servant?" She spat. "You helped rob her of all she had left!" She shook with anger still.

Irene watched the way Alan's expression shifted, guilt overtaking his features. It was clear that he still cared for Jennie, for the family. Why was he committing this atrocity? Blindly following Irene and Jungkook? What had they offered him?

"Jennie's not here, Roseanne!" Irene hissed, her aggressive side showing as Rosie felt yet another, harder blow to the face, crying out in pain. "No one to protect you from your own idiocy."

Crimson blood trickled from Rosie's nose, and she felt her eye shut in absolute searing pain. She struggled to breathe as Irene placed an aggressive kick to her ribs, and Rosie screamed in agony, almost sure that they were broken. She was a doctor, but she couldn't think rationally. All she could imagine was Jennie. Protecting her, coming for her.

But that was selfish, and she knew better.

"Hey!" A voice sounded from the corner, and leaning against the van was Chanyeol Park, hands shackled, feet bound, his face absolutely bruised and beaten in. "That's enough! Why don't you leave her the fuck alone!" His voice was hoarse.

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