"Agreed." She looked at the warzone of her home."That asshole..." she mumbled quietly. He had knocked all her plants to the ground, he knew that she loved her plants. Gardening was a hobby she enjoyed as relaxation. She was pissed and wanted to cry at the same time."I hate him!" She said louder, this time Ice heard her.

"It's going to be all right." He rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"I fucking hate him!" She sobbed. And tears just started streaming down her cheeks in rage."I'm so tired of him controlling every aspect of my life!"

"We're getting you out of here and away from all this." He took her by the shoulders and brought her the rest of the way into her bedroom where they found paint poured all over her bedding.

"What the???" She screeched.

"Look at me." She just stared in shock at the bed, he spoke very firmly,"Shadow! LOOK AT ME!" That got her attention.


"Where's your luggage? Where can I find it? Take a deep breath. And let me help you!" he was rubbing her arms trying to bring her back into reality. She was hyperventilating a little. "Shadow, where?" He asked more gently.

She turned from him and pointed toward the closet." In the bottom of that closet. He reached up and brushed her hair away from her face.

"Ok. You, grab whatever you want to bring, I'll pack it. Just bring it to me."

"Ok." She said, wiping her eyes and sniffing. She took another breath and went to get clothes from the dresser. She started bringing jeans and tops over. Then she grabbed bras, socks, and underwear. Ice packed things efficiently and orderly. His time in the Navy had given him a lot of structure. He liked things orderly. She went for a couple different pairs of shoes that she wore for work. She and Penny believed in comfy shoes since they were on their feet all day. By the time she had everything she thought she might need she went to the jewelry box on the dresser.

"That DICK! I can't believe he'd take it! My jewelry is all gone."

Ice came over,"Hopefully the cops will be able to get it back."

"I hope so, there are a few sentimental pieces in it. It's not even that valuable, it's just the point. I think I have everything...wait, I want to check one last thing." She left the bedroom and went to the kitchen, she came back with one plant, the only survivor because it was hanging and not on a shelf.

"Don't judge me, I love my plants...he knows that...that's why he messed with them. I spent too much time on them and not focused on him..."

Ice kept it cool. No judgement."Is that everything?"

"Yeah, I can survive with the stuff we grabbed."

"Let's go. You need to get out of here."

"Thank you." She went back to the bedroom, and started going after her luggage.

"Leave the big one for me."Ice said.

"You sure? I can manage..."

"Let me..." he went over and hoisted it off the bed and got it balanced on its wheels. Amber grabbed the duffel with the shoes and the smaller of the suitcases.

"Thank you Tom." Amber used his actual name again and it just sat differently with him. He was so used to being called by his call sign. He decided he liked it when she used his actual name. It was so rare to hear it spoken. He nodded.

"You're welcome. Let's get out of here. We'll go and you can get settled in. Maybe later we can go grab a bite to eat if you'd like."

"All right. That would be, nice." She sounded surprised to say it.

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