chapter 1

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Yeh toh bas shuruwat hai aage aage dekho hota hai kya😉

The plan worked Bhai. This time that Aarohi will understand whom she was messing with. How dare she insult me.

Ok baba I know you are happy. But in your happiness don't forget to take your sleeping tablets. Go sleep now.

Goodnight Bhai.
Goodnight baccha.

What do I do with this girl. She is getting mad day by day. My worries are coming into reality.

She is turning out same like her. I said looking at the potrait that dad placed in the living room of the mansion.
Dad's sister 'Maya aunty '


I have a habit of talking to myself when I am very satisfied with something.

"Today I am so happy I feel like dancing. I will not let her go so easily This is just the beginning wait and watch Aarohi." I said looking at my own reflection in the mirror.

'Mirror mirror on the wall tell me who is the most beautiful girl of all. '

Aarohi,meghana juhi, preetika ,rachna or me. I gave him options.

'It's you Priya only you. No one can even compare to your shadow.'the voice said.

Listening to that voice made me so happy.

Yes I am the best. I know.
Comeon Priya let's sleep quickly before Bhai comes and finds out I didn't take my medicine again. I muttered to myself while rushing towards the bed.

God knows why he is giving me that medicine when I don't have any problem in sleeping. So I will not have it.

Bacha why do you want me to worry so much for you. Can't you listen to your brother for once. I will not let history repeat itself. Dad tolerated Maya aunties behaviour I won't do the same.

Sir I Spoke to Priya madam.

Today she was asking how pretty she is. Comparing herself with all the ladies of her age present in the gathering. I answered her as I seem fit after which she went to bed.

Hmm I see. You can go now don't disturb me for sometime.
I sat on the reclining chair facing the window a distant memory came in my mind. when I remembered what happened in the past which resulted in dad installing the nano microphone behind the mirror.

Bhai let me tell you a secret I am a princess. You know papa calls me princess for a reason.

See I will talk to the mirror and it will reply back.

Mirror mirror on the wall who is papa's favourite child comeon tell all.

Wait now he will speak.

A minute passed then two
It's not going to work princess.

Shush it works just a minute. Mirror I am repeating my question listen nicely this time.

Five minutes passed.
Why is it not working.

Baby how will a non living thing speak bacha.hmm. you are a big girl now don't say such silly things. I am going to my friends house to play are you coming.

No Bhai you go. I'll see how this mirror doesn't talk to me.

I came back after two hours to see her still talking to the mirror which made me scared. I immediately called dad and told him everything. Dad said it was him who was playing with her that day he was hiding behind the mirror and spoke to her in a soft voice. Due to which she didn't recognise that it was dad. As just he gave her the reply she bolted out of the room to search for me and dad went for office.

This incident made her believe that she is some princess. I think she forgot the story the mirror spoke to the evil witch of a woman not with snow white.

Later when I returned to her room I saw the mirror was broken the dressing table fully messed. Broken Glass pieces were fallen all over the place but she was in her own world.
Screaming shouting jumping on that glass shards. Blood was oozing from her feet but she didn't care. Seeing all this really scared me. I have never seen her like this.

She was repeating the same line.
Why didn't you speak otherwise this wouldn't have happened naa. Dad rushed home he was also speechless. He gave her a tight slap because she was going out of control.

Why again God why what have I done that you are punishing me like this yet again. Dad said crying bitterly hugging my sister who was now tired and sleeping while muttering something.

Mom's delivery had complication but she insisted on giving birth which led to her early demise. Before dying she made me promise to look after this lovely angel.
When the incident took place I was 11 at that time .Priya was 6. We consulted doctor, psychiatrist.

Who gave us news which dad was dreading the most.

She was mentally not stable. Too stubborn, childish and what not.

Then after cleaning the room dad placed another mirror but this time it had a device which talked back with a help of a human being for which I hired Aman,our gardener's son. He understood her, he was the only friend she ever had. Who was ready to do the job if it made his childhood friend happy.
She thinks I don't know what's going in her mind. After dad I took full responsibility of her. I came out of my thoughts and called malti aunty our cook.

Raja beta what happened.

Did you add the medicine which I gave you to add in her food.
Yes baba what happened.

If that's so then why there is no result. I asked frustrated.

Now what did she do. She asked in concern.
I told her she was again talking to her mirror. Not only that she is planning something evil I know that for sure.

What could that be and for whom. She asked with slight fear.


Baba why don't you change the doctor.

Aunty he is the renowned doctor in that field if he is not able to cure my sister than no one can. He took charge of the maheshwari hospital after his father.
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Words count 1062

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