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The act casts shadows that hide the pain.

"It's not going to be simple."
"I don't want it simple."

"I want it in a brutal way."

The little boy of age eight jumped into Mr. John's car. It's his son. Look at John's smile, how happy and proud a father he is. Everyday....same time....same occasion...

That sounds like a perfect scenario for my plan

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That sounds like a perfect scenario for my plan.

I turned my car and left the place, making sure that no one saw me. I was watching over that little Tom for the past few days to make a perfect plan for the perfect revenge. I drove to my home, and the whole way there was only one thing on my mind, one feeling... the happiness I am going to feel when I hear the little boy scream, his father's tears flowing unstoppable when he hears the news.

I drove into the driveway and felt warm at the thought of what I was going to do. With only my father to talk to, now that he is not here, I should write down what I'm about to do in my make my plan perfect.

I took my diary from underneath the table. I kept it there intentionally so that I wouldn't use it often. The diary contained many was the only thing in the world that knew about Zelda, the real Zelda Collis.

I took the pen in my hand.
I was going to write after a long while.



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It's time for Zelda Collis after a long time. Now it's about my father, it's for the sake of truth...for my love for my father. His name is Tom, son of Mr. John. John was my old advocate.

I wanted to reopen my father's case and for that I reached out to him. But he never wanted to help me. He didn't even search, made the silliest excuses, and manipulated the truth. He said my father's death was a suicide.

                         How could I believe that?

The problem with him was, he never could understand the value of someone because he never lost anyone. So my mission is to let him know the value, to let him know how I felt when he closed the case without finding the truth.

                  Tom is a cute child. A well-behaved 8-year-old kid. He looks just like his father, which makes my job simpler. Black curly hair, his hair is so smooth, which I know from patting his head the last day when he was playing on the ground. Maybe his advocate father never taught him to stay away from strangers. The child is friendly and came to me the second I called him. His eyes are deep, dark, hazel in color, which makes him even cuter.

He loves to play soccer and goes to play every day at the same time, around 4 in the evening after his classes. After his time at the playground, John will come to pick him up. Just imagine the scene when John is coming to pick up his son and he comes to know that little Tom is not there...

Hah!! Just the thought is giving me relief.

My aim is to make John suffer and let him feel the pain. The boy is just a means to accomplish what I want. So his screams are going to be nothing less than relief and warmth to me.

As he is following the same routine every day, the plan becomes more practical. All I want to do in the first part is to take him away with me without anybody knowing. I already know him and we are friends. There is no child who doesn't like chocolates and ice cream. He asked me who I am and how I know his father; the answer was as simple as
                           "I know your father through a case; he resolved it for me."

As the son of an advocate, that will be such a normal sentence for him.

Tomorrow, by 4:30 p.m., that cute little black child will be here with me. By 6 p.m., his father will come to pick him up... but... the little Tom will be there having his last dinner with me. And his father will already be missing his darling son and start searching for him in all the places they know.

I will execute my plan in the Zelda Collins way, the perfect way.

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