Chapter 10

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I started writing the chapter with Evan's pov and then realized that I got the characterization and everything else wrong. Not writing for a while does wonders to my fluency, and it's killing me internally. 

I really wanted to write Evan's pov though, since writing it in What It Means to Be King was so much fun. But then the Evan in this fic wasn't shone with a decent enough light that I find myself with no reasonable excuse for his behavior. I'll work something out about it probably, get myself realligned with what I originally planned out. Hopefully, I can write a wide range of povs for the fic like I did with What It Means To Be King though. That would be much less 2-dimensional. 

For now we'll just stick to Shao Long, aka the safest one there was. 

Whose pov do you want to read next? 

Also, I regret not planning this out earlier, now I'm just confused about how to continue this at all. 


Shao Long hadn't been texting with Anubis alright. He stopped texting the bitch several years back when he realized that he was pretty much putting himself into a position a lot lower than what he deserved. Anubis almost never replied to his text messages and when he did it was exceptionally rude in a way that Shao Long didn't think was possible. He had texted far too many rude people in his life but when it comes to being an asshole via text, Anubis took the cake. Shao Long would be so lucky if the man even thought to read his text at all a few weeks after the said text was sent, and it would be a miracle by itself if the messages were replied. And when Anubis did reply those messages he sent, nine times out of ten, it wasn't to reply the messages, but to demand him do something else he couldn't be too bothered to explain, like to keep an extra careful eye on someone or to distract another someone. 

The one remaining time, however, Anubis would be the level of rudeness that made Shao Long reconsider whether he was a human or a pet dog whose owner fed him once every week, given water once every two days, leashed to a gate 24/7 and ultimately treated like shit. 

Anubis almost always speak gentler via calls anyway. Not that Shao Long could call him. The bitch, as you would expect, didn't have a specific number. Shao Long didn't know how the old him was so insistent that whatever they had was a two way relationship when one of them knew every confidential information about the other, while the other didn't even have the person's contact information. Not even a lousy email. 

But that wasn't to say that the relationship between Shao Long and Anubis was particularly bad. It improved a lot after Shao Long started spitting on his face and cursed him to the moon and back, and Anubis took over the throne after he came of age. At first neither of them was willing to rebuilt the plastic bridge between them, it took Shao Long one look to Anubis' pitiful everything for him to sigh, roll his eyes and yank him back up to his feet. Truly an annoying guy. Now the so-called paper bridge was replaced with a wooden one, fairly firm and unmoving, but quick enough to burn had Shao Long decided that it was fucking with him. 

After waking up 18 years younger though, Shao Long didn't expect much from this baby Anubis who still looked and sounded like he would rather eat shit than talk to Shao Long a few degrees less bitchy in terms of tone and mannerism. And he was right on that part at least, this baby Anubis really was a piece of shit who did not take too well to Shao Long rebelling against his demands, but didn't seem to know how to handle it. 

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