Chapter 4

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Be warned that almost every main character in this story may not be right in the head, because of obvious reasons. 1. Both Shao Long and Charles weren't meant to have the best mental health. 2. Charles had it coming, what with all the sociopathic tendencies. 3. I can emotionally scar anyone who is fictional by the power of fanfiction. 4. Let's all be realistic. I've only ever met two people who aren't mentally stable. These princes can be dramatic. 

Charles was a paranoid man. He tells himself in the mirror everyday, teeth gritted and eyes cold, "The world is cruel and all you can do is stiffen your heart." He had always known that his future wasn't going to be easy. Hell, that would be understating it by a shit ton of degree. His future was going to be a chaotic hell no matter how much control he could get over the courses of his life, no matter how many people he could get to subject to him , no matter how many enemies he brought down. He was prepared for it, prepared for everything because the little boy in his heart was so, so very afraid of being hurt. He'd seen people at their lowest, seen his father at his lowest and vowed to never be in the same place. 

He had never expected for the friendship between him and the rest of the princes to remain the same after every single one of the coronated. It was a childish dream, and he was right. As he almost always was. The princes outgrew their childish hearts. They took over the responsibilities heavier than their own person. They carried themselves with their people behind them and because of that there was no room for rude banters and Saturday outings. No more solving ridiculous student problems, no more playing music, dressing up, doing sports, spending hours and hours in the library. They were adults and they were kings. He was the President.  Things get funny from there. 

It all started with Felix — of all people, it just had to be Felix — taking the throne despite everything that was going on with his family. Despite his clear disinterest. Despite his clear young age. Next came Ciel, who had it the hardest. People looked down on him for the longest of time before it turned out for the better. Then Leon, who struggled more with his personal interest, now pushed to the back of his mind for the sake of his country. And then. And then came Albert. 

Albert who had prepared for the throne for longer than any of them could even dream of sitting in one. Longer than Charles knew what it meant to be a leader. Albert who had the interest of his people far higher in his mind than his own personal ones. 

When Albert was coronated, that was when their relationship started to crack. Because not a month later Charles was elected and then came what none of them could ignore. The people's hearts couldn't always be the one and the same with its king. Despite everything, no matter how close the kings had once been, if their people hated each other, then it wouldn't mean anything. 

Because the ones who were friends weren't their people. It was only them. 

And they were so, so busy securing their own throne to focus on their straining friendship. 

Charles was a paranoid man. 

He had been prepared for the worst. 

So when the six of them, Alex included, stopped meeting up, stopped hanging out, stopped talking to one another, he only felt calm. It was like sitting in a sturdy house he had built himself, where the outside was a raging storm. A house he had built with the storm he knew would come in mind. Caging his feelings so that it wouldn't be hurt. 

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