"The Polish are dead along with our men who are guarding them. It was Signor Alessandro who killed them, as we saw from the surveillance cameras."

Gio's eyes widened in shock.

My blood boils as another wave of anger replaces my old one from that fucking brother of mine.

"Send me a copy of that video. NOW." I yelled in anger and quickly ended the call.

I glared at Gio, who also glared back at me.

And this is why we don't fucking talk about the devil, because every time someone brings up his name, he just tends to pop out of fucking nowhere.

"Why were those monsters still alive? Why didn't you fucking finish them off?" He asked, clear disappointment shining in his eyes.

"I was taking my time with them, Giovanni. One limb at a fucking time, so that they can experience the hell our sweet sister experienced. An eye for a fucking eye. And Alessandro fucking ruined that and even took out our men as he fucking did so!" I exclaimed, slamming both my fists in the wooden table.

What the hell is he on about now?


-Isabella Di Luca-

"How are you liking the school, principessa? Because if you don't like it, we can always change and find another scho---

"No, no, I really like it here! I don't want to change and find another school, please, Nicco!" I almost pleaded as I tugged my very overprotective and stubborn brother's arm.

"Everything my principessa likes, she gets."

I giggled at my brother's silliness. He always says that to me.

After exploring the entire school grounds, which were very, very grand, I could say that I definitely like it here, and I really hope that I'm going to enjoy studying here and making new friends and experiences. I want to feel like every other normal high school student who goes to school here, not the broken and sad girl with a tragic past that I really am. I just want to feel like I belong, like the rest of them.

While I'm having the time of my life exploring each building and room here on campus, I definitely couldn't say the same thing about Nicco. I'm willing to bet that if it weren't for me, I doubt he wants to step foot here. It's like he has bad memories tied in here, or maybe he just simply doesn't like it here, but then again, this has been his school since he was a kid, so I guess I could understand that he's fed up going here and exploring the entire school grounds again, so I really appreciate him keeping me company and guiding me around.

I suddenly felt mother nature calling for me in my tummy. I really shouldn't have drunk those three bottles of iced tea.

I tapped Nicco's arm while we were walking back inside the campus after we took a look at the gymnasium, which I really am not looking forward to going to. I'm not a sporty kind of girl.

"I need to pee," I said in a low voice, as if I were telling him a secret, making my brother chuckle.

"Come on, sorellina, I'll show you the girl's toilet."

Nicco led me to the girl's toilet, and I did my business inside while he waited outside, but as I finished and went outside, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion to find my brother no longer there where he was standing.

Where did Nicco go?

I'm sure I didn't take too long inside.

I started to get even more nervous as I realised that my phone was inside my purse, and Nicco was holding it for me before I went inside the toilet. Now I have no means of contacting him. Oh boy.

The Missing Princess (✔️)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz