18. Newcomers aren't always friendly

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The forest was beautiful. The birdsong was nice, and the sunlight was filtering through the trees.

Oliver kept running ahead, climbing stumps and jumping and rolling around. The young emestrei looked happy to be in the forest.

But the atmosphere changed so suddenly, Mirya actually felt the darkness slam into her, and it knocked her back a few steps.

Oliver squeaked in surprise and jumped up the skirt of her dress.

For the billionth time, Mirya regretted not changing into something better for traveling so much. The long green dress was constantly getting caught on roots and branches.

"It's okay," Mirya comforted the emestrei. "It's just... one of the weird things in this land."

"It certainly is," a young voice said, and a girl older than Mirya appeared in front of her. "But it's also because you're at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Wha- how?" the girl flickered in and out of view, but Mirya could make out some features- such as long black hair and blue eyes, and a dress that matched her eyes.

"Oh. You're knew here, aren't you? You wouldn't have seen an elf yet then."

"You're an elf?" She was right. Mirya hadn't seen one before. All she knew about them were that they have pointy ears, and had magic.

"Yes, you're Mirya, then."

"How did you know?" Mirya felt chills go up her spine. This girl was not like anyone she'd ever met.

"Ha! How'd I know? My mother told me." She gestured to an empty spot on the ground, and another figure slowly faded into view.

Nothing about this newcomer looked like the girl. "Yes, surprising, isn't it? That my plans are falling together so nicely, and I get to destroy my sister's plan at the same time," the newcomer almost purred.

"How are you two related?" Mirya was confused. They were nothing alike, from the older one's black dress and brown eyes and white hair.

"Easy. Alita looks more like her father."

"You're both elves then?"

"No!" The whited-haired witch-like person said. "I am half elf, half Ith, and so is she."

That wouldn't explain why they look so different.

Alita looked at the ground. She obviously had it tough for being an elf-Ith. "And I would be in danger if anyone found out that I'm a dangerous half-elf," she grumbled.

"What's wrong with that?"

"You see," the older one started, "when an elf or an Ith aren't completely one or the other, they can be dangerous, because their element and magic can mix."

"Oh," Mirya glanced at the elf with white hair. "But why would you tell me? Isn't it dangerous if anyone else finds out?"

"That's why we told you," she growled. "We only ever tell anyone who won't be able to tell anyone else. And it would be hard to tell anyone once you're dead."

"Wait..." Mirya's heart jumped in fright. They were going to kill her?

"Don't worry," she said. "It'll be painless. And this is not because of knowing what me and my daughter are. It's because this will ruin my sister's plan for good."

"Who is your sister?"

"The one you blame on stealing the Stone, of course! Remember? Amber eyes. It wasn't her though. It was someone else- working for me."

"That's her? Your sister? But why would you want to kill me to ruin her plans?"

"Because I'm against what she's trying to do, and what this land is like, so I will change it. But first I have to defeat my sister, by ruining her plans, then Alita will destroy all the armies of the kingdoms-"


"Dangerous, remember?" Alita smirked, then grabbed something from the air. "This is the Stone. You know, the one you all think the group of the Dark Ember stole? Yeah, actually, I have it."

"I have it," the older elf snapped. "You just keep it away from everyone."

"Sure, Wraith." Alita shuffled her feet.

"Okay," Wraith didn't even acknowledge her daughter's apology. "Any last words or questions?"

Mirya nodded. "Well, no, but maybe?" She put her hand behind her back, snapping her fingers silently, feeling the warmth of a small flame grow on her hand.

She looked down and studied a root.

"What is it?" Wraith snapped. "Hurry up!"

Mirya didn't wait another second. She shot her hand forward, the flame leaping towards Wraith.

Wraith jumped aside just in tome, and Mirya brought the fire in that direction. She didn't want to accidently start a fire in this forest. No matter how creepy it was.

"Alita, stop her!" Wraith screamed as the flames licked her face and she dodged, flinching.

"I'm trying!" Alita practically hissed. "But there's something there! I can't... quite... reach..."

"I don't have time for this! What's happening? Why isn't it working?"

"I don't know!"

Mirya ignored them, sending sparks over in Alita's direction. She had no idea what Alita was trying to do until she felt something press on her mind from the direction that the girl was standing.

She sighed. Somehow, she knew how to stop the girl from entering her mind. She put a wall of flame around it, and imagined Alita in the middle of the fire, then was shocked to see the Alita in real life choke on the smoke that wasn't really there, and collapse.

"What are you doing to her?" Wraith demanded, trying to get farther away.

"Nothing!" Mirya said. She blocked the creepy elf off with a wall of flame.

"I'm fine," Alita choked out. "Just... tired."

"Just use the Stone!" Wraith backed away from the wall. "Even if she doesn't die from it, she won't be able to get out of where it leads!"

"I'm trying," Alita reached for the Stone- which had rolled out of her hands when she collapsed.

Mirya couldn't let that happen. She wished she could reach it, but she couldn't.

Then the young emestei went for it. But the moment he touched it, he... vanished. Fading away, leaving no trace.

Mirya was now feeling tired from all this. Her mind wanted to shut off. Oliver was gone, Alita shook her head and stood, walking over to the Stone, and Wraith had disappeared.

Scared now, Mirya made the flame slowly close in on her, hoping that the two others would leave he alone if she was surrounded by her fire.

It didn't. Wraith reappeared, holding a stick covered in fire.

"Don't want to let the forest burn, do you?" She smiled cruelly, tossing the stick to the ground.

Mirya caught hold of the fire with her mind, keeping it small. But that wasn't all. Wraith started throwing sticks of fire to the ground.

She caught every single flame with her mind, twisting her arms this way and that, trying to keep the fire down.

But her brain didn't like it. Straining hard, Mirya could see through the smoke that Alita was pointing the Stone at her, letting the light hit her.

The world got darker, and with one final attempt to do anything she could, she raised her arms, and all the fire in the forest shot into the sky, exploding, then disappeared.

Then Mirya collapsed and fell still, the light from the Stone dissolving her.

I'm dying to say where this all leads, but I'm sorry, I can't >:)

There's something life-changing going on now (not just the fact that Mirya might not have a life left)
I honestly didn't even expect this to happen- and I'm the one writing it!- so now there're two groups of villains... except on group is only two people, and the other one is- not gonna say it because that would spoil a lot.

Anyways, hope you liked this chappie!

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