11. Phoenix

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"You know, Waylon's right," Lorelei muttered, trying for what seemed to be the millionth time to wash out the flames. "This fire is amazing... and... different."

"I know," Mirya snuffed out the flames by curling her fingers over them. "But I feel like that could get... dangerous."

"It could," Whispers agreed from the doorway.

"Hey, it's been a while since I saw you," Mirya turned to look into his deep blue eyes.

"I know. But there's a lot going on right now. I'll try to visit more often, promise."


"Now, what is this I heard that no one can put out your fire?"

"Oh, uh..." Honestly, Mirya hoped he would know how to deal with it. So she told him about the wall of flame that protected her from the wave Waylon had sent at her.

"That's... unlike anything I've ever heard," he said after a few seconds.

That was not the answer Mirya had been hoping for. But then she caught one word.

"Heard? Don't you mean seen?"

"Well, not really," Whispers jumped up onto a chair to sit. "You see, the fire element is really rare. There hasn't been another fire Ith since I was born."

Which reminded Mirya that she didn't even know how old he was. So she asked.

"Does that really matter? Aren't you more intrested in knowing that you may be the last fire Ith?"

"I am?!" She needed to know that more than Whisper's age for sure.

"You might be. There may be another in the Ithlondern League that I don't know about."

"But there also might not be," she had to point out.


"Then how will I learn to use it properly?!"

"You need to train. A lot."

"With who? Please not Enzo!"

"I know. You can't train with a light Ith. It has to be... a..." he paused, thinking. After about thirty seconds he finished. "You have to train with a water Ith."

"Uh... isn't that the opposite of fire?"

"Yes, but I think it might work. You'll understand soon. I'll tell Waylon to come over tomorrow after school."

Mirya stood on the edge of the cliff side. Far to her right was the deck that lead from the house she was currently staying in. She'd chosen a sandy area, so she couldn't start anything on fire.

"Time to try this fire element," she mumbled to herself. "C'mon, fire. Let's see what you can truly do."

She snapped her fingers, and a small flame appeared. She swirled it a few times, making it grow bigger, then shrinking it.

Then she stretched her hands out, and a small wall of flame glowed in front of her. She stared at it for a while, until the swirls of fire started to look like people and animals.

She saw her mother first. Then her father appeared, standing beside her mom, and a baby appeared in her mom's arms, and Mirya herself stood beside them, smiling.

Without even knowing what she was doing, she swiped her hand back, and the three figures came out of the wall, standing, walking, talking, laughing.

Mirya felt a tear slip down her cheek as she gazed at her family, realizing how much she did miss them.

"That's your family?" The voice behind her asked.

She turned to see Lorelei, and she nodded. "It is- or was?"

"How did you get them to do that?" She pointed at the figures walking around.

"I- I don't know," she moved her hands around, then curled them into fists, and all the fire from the figures and wall disappeared.

"Try... an animal," Lorelei suggested.

"Wait- why are you telling me to do this?" Mirya blinked, wiping her tears away with her sleeve.

"I think it might help."

She took a deep breath. The waved her hand into the shape of a cat. And a cat figure came into view, meowing, and padding around in the sand.

"Wow..." she breathed, reaching down to pet the cat. It was like air... but it also sent tingles through Mirya's arm.

It purred, raising it's tail and rubbing against her legs.

Then it vanished as Mirya lost concentration.

She steadied her breath, closing her eyes, and flicked her wrists. She didn't even know what she was doing, but by the sound of Lorelei's gasp, she knew she should open her eyes.

She took a step back when she saw the bird- a phoenix, it's wings spread over her, fire raging on it's feathers, sparks flying down.

"Wow," a mew from close to where Lorelei was made Mirya jump. It was Whispers. "You might..." he didn't finish as she moved her hands, and the phoenix flapped it's wings, rising into the sky. Then Mirya slapped her hands down, and the giant bird was gone, a small shower of sparks rained down.

"Mirya," Whispers had padded closer. "I don't think you realize what you just did."

"I don't, she admitted.

"Well, I do. And if you practice, you can't even begin to imagen what you could do. And it seems Lorelei is the right Ith to help you practice."

"Uh..." Mirya didn't know what to say.

"This could be the start of us fighting back."

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