2. Whispers

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The forest was vast and mysterious, and Mirya was filled with a sense of awe and wonder as she explored its depths. She came across a herd of deer in a small clearing, and they raised their heads to stare at her, then- once she let out her breath- they lowered their heads again, not seeing her as a threat.

Then she continued on, passing the deer at a distance.

Then she heard a whisper.

The same whisper that had sang in her ears earlier. Except louder. And without thinking, she headed in the direction of the noise until she came across a river.

It was swollen from the rain, and running very quickly.

But Mirya had to get across.

She looked at her surroundings for anything that could help, and spotted a wind-blown tree, leaning against the banks on either side.

"Perfect!" She ran over to the tree and tested her weight on it. It was a bit wobbly, but it supported her, so she crawled across slowly. When she was almost to the end, she stopped.

"What am I doing?" She muttered. "It's almost suppertime. I have to go back!" But before she could turn around, the whispers echoed around her again, calling her on.

She tried to force herself to go back, but the whispers called on, and all she could do was go on following...

She soon came across a clearing, and she covered her mouth to hold back the gasp.

The white cat standing in the center was even more beautiful up close.

His deep blue eyes stared into hers, unblinking, unwavering.

Mirya was struck by the sight of such a majestic creature and she couldn't help but take one step forwards.

He didn't move. He just sat there, waiting.

So she took another step. And another. And another. Until she was standing just in front of the white cat.

She reached out with a shaky hand, while she murmered, "Hey little guy. It's okay. I won't harm you."

"Am I really that little?"

Miry screamed and stumbled back, tripping over her own feet.

"Hey, it's okay," the cat reassured.

"You can talk?!!" Mirya gasped.

"Well, what do you think?" He sat down, licking one of his forepaws and drawing it over his ear. "My name's Whispers, by the way. What's yours?"

"I-I'm Mirya." Mirya stuttered when she'd found her voice.

"I can see in your eyes that you have a few questions," Whispers meowed. "Ask away."

"Okay. How can you talk? Where are you from? When are you leaving? Why aren't you scared of me? Why did you whisper to me? Your name in Whispers because of the whispers I heard, right? Why are your eyes so blue? Why does your fur look like snow? Who sent you? Or did you send yourself? Are there more talking cats? Are you alone? Is there-"

"Okay, that's enough. How 'bout I just tell you what you need to know?" Whispers offered.

"Yeah... that might be better," she admitted.

"Okay, so," he began. "All you need to know is that I can talk, and you can trust me." He glanced up at the sky. The rain had gotten harder, and then turned to hail.

"Ouch!" Mirya rubbed her hooded head as a piece of hail hit her and bounced off.

"C'mon!" Whispers got up. "I know a sheltered place!"

Mirya stood without hesitation, following the running tom-cat. She had to jump over a few logs and bushes, and she slipped on some wet spots on the ground, and by the time Whispers stopped, she was quite muddy.

Then, instead of going to shelter, Whispers jumped into the tree next to him.

"What are you doing?!" Mirya demanded. "I thought you said you would bring me to shelter!"

"I am. Hurry! I haven't got all day!"

She sighed, grabbing hold of the lowest branch. After a few minutes of climbing- and slipping- she found Whispers waiting for her.

"Okay, so how good are you at balancing?" That question made Mirya's skin crawl.


"You see that ledge?" He pointed his tail at the stony ledge that the branch they were on overlapped on.


"We need to get over there."


"You've got to."

"Okay fine." She clung onto the branch with all her might and didn't look down.

"Okay, now you can open your eyes."

She did, and saw how thin the branch got.

"You have to jump." Whispers meowed from behind her.

"I know that!" She stood slowly, grabbing onto the branch above her for balance, and jumped.

It wasn't what she expected. She'd kept her eyes open the whole time, and when she saw the rocky ledge nearing, she braced herself. But when she hit, she sank into the rock and screamed.

Honestly, I wasn't expecting to finish this chapter today, but okay, here it is :)

Whispers of darkness: SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now