Chapter 27

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Zander confiding in me last night was a big move on his part. An unexpected one. It probably would never have happened if his father hadn't threatened me the way he did. An image of the older Wyatt's condescending expression makes me wince in distaste. 

Based on the ten steps, I need Zander to trust me enough to tell me these kind of things. I need him to see me as a friend he can trust. Although I hope the senator's dislike for me won't complicate things further. 

I just need to date him for a few more months and then it's over. Nothing else is coming in the way of that, especially since Zander so heartlessly mentioned that he doesn't even remember Elizabeth's face. 

He wasn't so specific, I bet he can't even recall her name but it amounts to the same. He dated my best friend, broke her heart and he's still at the top of his game while Elizabeth wastes away at home and in therapy. 

It's not fair. There has to be some check and balance. 

My phone pings and I jump slightly, my body hasn't completely woken up yet. I glance at the screen, half expecting to see Zander's name but it's a text from my father, again. 

Great news. Starting something new. Can't wait to tell you. Call me.

Dread seeps into my skin, sinking me further into the mattress. He's been trying to reach me since yesterday and knowing him, it can't be anything good. I don't reply, slipping the phone beneath my pillow, wishing his text would melt away if I didn't look at it. 

I have to get back to my reading and it's early enough to head to the library. There's a nagging feeling at the back of my head as I freshen up for the day. I can't quite put a finger on it. It's not just my father. 

When the time reads one in the afternoon and I've just finished an iced americano from the Orange Idiot, I realise Zander hasn't texted me all morning. 

Which is highly unlikely of him. 

I try to continue reading but the ground floor has started to spill over with students. Their chatter shouldn't really distract me but today it does. My eyes wander over the crowd, looking for a tall guy with dark hair and dimples. 

I try to tell myself that I'm over reacting but this is Zander we are talking about. What if he lost interest after he told me all those things about his mother. Maybe he regrets that outburst of his, maybe he's embarrassed. And since I'm not dealing with just any college student, my mind wanders to whether he has moved on to someone else because of it. 

After all, there is a never ending line of girls eagerly waiting to take my place. And according to Mr Wyatt, all it takes is three months for a girl to grow boring. Zander and I have been going back and forth for a month plus. 

He started eyeing me when he was still dating Yoona Harry and that was almost three months into their relationship.

My thoughts are racing and I stare at my phone, wondering if I am blowing things out of proportion. Unconsciously, I find his contact number, my thumb lingering over the call button. 

This is ridiculous, I played by the ten steps. He confided in me and hence I have sort of become someone he trusts. I think. 

There's only one way to find out if it worked or backfired. 

I press on the call button and hold my breath as I bring the phone to my ear. My other hand taps the pen over my book cover repeatedly until I earn a glare from the guy on the table next to me. The ringing carries on and on, a bubble of doubt now growing in my chest. 

He's never kept me waiting this long, ever.

I bite my lip, waiting for the call to go to voicemail just has he picks up, his breathing laboured. Now I wonder what's got him so flustered this early in the day. The images that come to mind are not good. 

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