Chapter 5

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It takes roughly about an hour to reach my home town from campus. I'm seated snugly on a window seat by the back of the bus, my ear phones playing the latest tiktok hits I saved while browsing the app.

I blink the fatigue away and stare at my surroundings. We're now currently passing the rich part of town, where the houses have massive lawns and do not need to be separated by gates. Some houses have their own security details while others have the neighbourhood watch signboards perched by the verges.

We bypass this particular section fairly quickly, there aren't many rich folk from where I come from. The split level houses that follow are more closely knit together. I stare at them absent mindedly, knowing that I'll be seeing Elizabeth's house soon.

There's a very edgy looking house with solar powered panels on it's roof and black shut out windows. The one right next to it is glaringly different with it's soft cream walls and glass stained windows.

My pulse spikes when I see Elizabeth reading a book on the rocking chair on her house patio. I press the bell and the bus stops after a few seconds. I tuck my bag to my side and almost leap out of the bus.

I must look like a lunatic, running across the pavement in my baggy t shirt and loose jeans, my bag swinging with each step.

"Liz!" I call out to her happily and her face brightens under the evening sun.


We look like a long lost couple, running towards each other like we haven't seen one another in years. In reality, it's only been a few weeks.

She pulls me into a tight hug and I squeeze her back tightly. When she pulls back I notice there is now color in her cheeks and she's put on some weight, making her look more like the old Elizabeth.

"I've missed you so much. I'm bored out of my mind over here." She paces her patio, running her hands through her straw blonde hair as she speaks. Only Elizabeth can sit in the sun and still look as pale as a ghost.

I would be burnt to a crisp by now. I pull my sleeves over my arms and attempt to hide away from the startlingly bright setting sun rays. Due to my part asian genes and a mother who generally never liked sun bathing, I've always tended to avoid the sun as well.

Liz chuckles, after all these years, she can read me like a book. "Let's head inside."

I nod gratefully and follow her into the house. Her parents have gone to the evening markets so it's just the two of us for now.

"What are you reading now?" I ask, picking up the book she had with her outside. The cover's peppered with pictures of news articles plus a few sprinkles of blood.

Elizabeth has always loved her murder mysteries.

"It's my fifth one so far. I've been going mad with boredom, Danny. I can't wait to get back to college."

I don't know why but my shoulders stiffen when she mentions the word. I've been so preoccupied with my plans for revenge, I didn't pause to wonder what Elizabeth would think if she knew I planned to break her ex boy friends heart.

Would she be mad at me? Or grateful?

We walk past the landing that leads to the rooms upstairs and head straight for the kitchen. Unlike the kitchen in my home, this one's all white marble counter tops and freshly varnished cabinets.

The sink is empty, dishwasher fully loaded and there's a pot of tea already brewing on the stove.

"I've got cookies," Liz smiles widely, placing my biggest weakness on a plate in front of me. Three large chocolate chip cookies stare back at me and my mouth starts to water.

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