Chapter 12

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"Care to share the joke? The last note was so morbid, I could really use the humour," Zander sidles up to us and tucks his hands in his pockets casually. But there is nothing casual with the way he studies the distance between Luke and I, his eyes lingering on Luke's fingers that are currently brushing my wrist.

Isn't he supposed to be dating Jodie Williams, the English major? Why so interested then, Zander?

I shrug, my expression one of pure innocence when I turn to acknowledge his presence. "I don't know about him," I pause gesturing to Luke. "But I would never laugh at someone's grief. It's all Luke's fault."

Luke chuckles in response. "Sure blame it on the guy."

"You two seem pretty close." Zander notes, his dark eyes narrowing on his best friends face. "Didn't know you were neighbours."

I want to tell him that Elizabeth's our neighbour as well but with the way he dates girls, I doubt he would even recognise the name. He doesn't recognise me, someone who was always seen with his ex 'girlfriend'. I doubt he even knows that she's taken a semester off.

Which really angers me to the bone. How can someone act so nonchalant after ruining someones life like that? And the worst part is he doesn't even know it. He's here, smiling and mingling with his friends and family, a draft beer in hand and not a care in the world.

I have to force all thoughts of Elizabeth out of my mind before I resort to violence. Thankfully, Luke's taken charge of the conversation, steering Zander to topics about football.

The crowd thins and some of the guests head to the dining room where all the refreshments and food have been laid out.

Luke's sister Indica rushes up to us excitedly and I notice the path to the front door has been cleared for me to leave. "It's time for cro-hockey! Danielle, are you joining us? Pleaseee? We're always lacking girls."

My body freezes in contemplation and I stare up at Luke.

"You're welcome to join us. You've been welcome from the moment you walked past the house." He says and Indica smirks, making me want to hide my burning cheeks.

I glance at the front door which doesn't look so appealing anymore. It's not like my parents are expecting me at home anyway. It wouldn't hurt anyone to spend a little more time here, would it?

"What's cro-hockey?" I frown and all three of them stare at me like I just told them the Earth was flat.

"You've never heard of croquet or hockey?" Indica places her feet at hips width and bends over, making a swinging motion with her hands. "Pall-mall?"

"I've heard of hockey but not croquet." I shake my head and Zander gestures to the patio doors. "Looks like you absolutely have to stay and join us. It would be a sin to let you leave without knowing how awesome cro-hockey is."

I give him a pointed look and he only grins, that dimple in his cheek deepening. He leads the way and we follow him past the sliding doors. There are a few women lounging on the deck, Luke's mother is one of them.

"Danielle, dear. Has Indica packed your food yet?" She asks me in concern, drawing attention from the rest of the table.

"She's joining us for a round of cro-hockey, right Danielle?" Zander announces proudly and I notice his mother straighten up from her seat when she sees me behind him. The rest of the ladies around her analyse me from head to toe, the same way she did.

"Danielle, is it?" Mrs Wyatt lifts a bony wrist. Her Van Cleef bracelet gleams under the stark yellow patio lights and she tilts her hand, making me wonder if she is doing this on purpose.

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