Chapter 6

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The realisation that a stranger is currently staring at us takes a while to set in. Both my father and I freeze in place, the pain in my wrist momentarily forgotten as I watch Luke take a tentative step forward. 

His eyes focus on my father's fingers that are firmly clasped around my wrist and it is only then that my father releases me. 

Dad's eyes are crinkled together, marring his greasy looking forehead with crease lines. The crowsfeet by his eyes deepen as he stares at Luke in bewilderment, looking like he can't quite believe his eyes. 

"Is that a Daltech first stringer?" His jaw goes slack, face filled awe. "Is that our wide receiver?" 

He must be asking me those questions but I'm currently at a loss for words. I tuck my throbbing wrist behind me just as Luke nears. 

Even with my dad's towering frame, Luke's broad shoulders and long legs somehow make him more intimidating, both of them almost the same height. My father takes an unconscious step back, looking as star struck as ever. 

I turn my attention to Luke only to find him eyeing me worriedly. He then turns to my dad, his gaze not so friendly. 

"Hi Danielle," He smiles cautiously, studying the dynamic between my father and I. "Everything, okay?" 

"Of course!" Dad flounders, grabbing the pack of beers from my good hand. "Just a little father and daughter bonding. You know Danielle?" 

At the mention of our relationship, I notice Luke relaxes a little. His broad shoulders droop slightly, dropping his defensive gait and the sharpness in his gaze disappears. 

I resist the urge to stare into those mesmerising eyes of his. If I started, I'd probably never stop. My hearts beating along with the throbbing in my wrist. I can't believe Luke Bradshaw saw us. There are a bazillion students on campus. Why of all people did it have to be him?

My cheeks start to burn. No one in college knows about this part of my life and I'd always intended to keep it that way. 

Luke is easily one of the most popular students on campus. I sincerely hope he doesn't share our encounter with anyone else, especially Zander.

"What are you doing here?" I blurt out without thinking and then wince because that was rude. It's not like I own this part of town. 

He grins softly, more amused by my abrupt question than offended. "I live here." 

Both my father and I look at him like he'd just told us he moved here from Mars. 

Luke's smile widens even more at our reactions and because we've both lost our ability to speak, he continues to explain. "I live on the other side of the park but we always come here for cheaper liquor. That's where I've seen you before. At Elizabeth's." 

I remember him telling me he's seen me before. I'd been so drunk at the time, the words barely registered in my brain. 

So he's seen me at Elizabeth's. Funny, because I've never seen him and he's not exactly the kind of person you miss. 

"I've never seen you here before." I mumble and my father bristles. 

"Danielle, where are your manners? The guy said he lives here. Do you need his house permit for further proof?" He quickly stumbles forward and offers to carry Luke's pack of ciders, even though Luke could probably carry a dozen of those without breaking a sweat. "You need help with that, son?"

Luke shakes his head and a lock of soft brown hair falls past his forehead. I stare at it, half tempted to push it back into place. 

We end up heading to the check out counters together, my dad ambushing Luke with all things football related. I should thank him for the distraction, hopefully my dad will forget all about his ridiculous request for money after meeting a somewhat celebrity in our state. 

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