Step 1

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First Impressions ARE EVERYTHING!

In most cases this would be true. Let's be honest. You meet a cute guy at the local grocery store. You may exchange a smile or two. In my case, I'd probably grimace or make an ugly face and look away immediately. They'd probably stand behind you in line at the cashier. You pay your bill and leave the place.

You'd think about them for a few minutes as you wait for the bus or start your car engine. And then life happens and that cute guy fades to the back of your mind. Most likely forgotten or eventually replaced by another good looking guy.

But let's just say, you knocked into him or spilled some soda down his shirt. Or the two of you grabbed the same item. Something like that is bound to linger in your thoughts for much longer. 

It wouldn't be permanent but something out of our everyday ordinary would definitely form a stronger memory. 

Trust me I have proof. 

I could write an essay on all the memorable meet-cutes I've seen on popular romance movies but I'll keep it concise for your sake. 

Take Ever After (1998). The main character aka Cinderella thinks a man is trying to steal her horse and throws apples at him, only to realise he's the crown prince. You can guess what happens after.

Or what about the movie and book After. Tessa Young - the main lead - meets the guy who will turn her life upside down and inside out aka Hardin in her room, while she's in her towel. 

So in conclusion, if you want to catch someones attention from the get go, the first meet needs to be phenomenal. Okay, maybe that's a stretch. We just need to make it memorable. 

I know I do. 

Sincerely from your girl who's done her research,

Danielle Nio

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