Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

We shake hands and her grips is gentle but firm just like I expected. "It's so nice to meet you Kennedy."

"The pleasure is all mine." I reply with a smooth smile.

The senator is younger than I expected and really gorgeous. Her eyes and smile remind me of a certain someone but I dismiss it as my brain playing tricks on me.

"It's so nice that you accompanied your sister tonight." She commends.

"I couldn't let her down. She is useless without me." I tease making both ladies laugh.

"You must be bored though seeing as most people here are twice your age and all talk is political." She sympathizes.

"I am used to it." I assure her.

"Of course but I know my son isn't. This is not his crowd and yet I dragged him here tonight. He's actually your age and around here somewhere. Ah! There he is." She says looking at someone in the crowd of guests in front of us.

"... Khalil." Rebecca calls out.


For a moment I think it's all a coincidence until I distinguish the familiar mop of dark curls that I've become obsessed with over the last couple of months. His tall frame is in a dark suit and I'd recognize those shoulders anywhere having drawn them multiple times. What seals the deal for me is when I look down and see the personalized sneakers I gifted him for Christmas. He finally turns around and Isaiah's familiar face comes into focus.

Isaiah is the Senators son?

What the actual fuck? I am in shock as a million questions run through my mind. How could he hide something so big from me? Sure I wasn't forthcoming with him at the beginning of our relationship but I thought we didn't have any more secrets between us.

Rebecca waves him over and he is smiling widely as he approaches us until he sees me and Astrid standing next to his mom. His face falls because he knows I've caught him in possibly the biggest lie since our relationship began.

"Khalil I would like you to meet Astrid, she was on my campaign team when I ran and her sister Kennedy." Rebecca introduces with pride in her voice as she places a loving arm around him.

Now that they are standing next to each other, it's easy to spot the similarities between them. They are definitely mother and son but Rebecca had him young because she could easily pass as his big sister.

"We are familiar with each other." Astrid informs Rebecca looking between the both of us trying to understand the situation.

"You are?" Rebecca asks looking confused.

"Yes we are." I affirm then turn to Isaiah. "Iz."

"Berry." I grit out unable to keep the anger from my voice.

"Berry? Kennedy? Now I know why your name sounded familiar. You are his girlfriend?" Rebecca exclaims with a big smile on her face.

At least he told her about me which makes this less awkward but he did not tell me about her and that hurts more than I would like to admit.

"Yes ma'am." I nod composing myself and forcing a smile on my face.

Rebecca does not need to know that her son, who can barely make eye contact with me hid such a huge thing from me. We will talk about this later when it's just the two of us but for now I have to play nice because I am meeting my boyfriend's mother for the first time.

"Well now it's an even bigger pleasure to meet you. I've been looking forward to this moment for a while but this one over here was determined to hide you from us for a little while longer." Rebecca declares.

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