The Final Show (Part 2)

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*Later into the evening, everyone is backstage, getting ready for the final show*

*In the boy’s dressing room*

Unicorn: Traffic Cone, have you seen my feather comb?

Traffic Cone: No sorry.

*Traffic Cone brushes his moustache with a comb as he looks in the mirror*

Unicorn: Hey, that’s mine!!

Traffic Cone: Oh, it is?! I’m so sorry, I hadn’t realised.

Unicorn: Y’know what, it’s fine. You can have it. I think it’ll do wonders for you… Just like Badger's fur, I actually got him one for Christmas.

Traffic Cone: Yeah, you think he’s been using his?

Unicorn: I hope so, he looks a lot glossier now, I wonder what kind of conditioner he uses…

Traffic Cone: Say, where is he?

*Badger, sat in the corner of the room and scrolling through his social media*

Badger: I’m right here.

Unicorn: Oh, sorry we were just talking about you.

Badger: I heard.

Unicorn: You’re quiet over there, what’s up? 

Badger: Uh… I guess I’m a little bit gutted that the tour is nearly over.

Traffic Cone: Hey, we had some good times, right?

Unicorn: Not all of them happy, but I see your point.

Badger: Yeah, I know. I honestly still feel bad about, y’know, the slap.

Unicorn: No kidding, it was BRUTAL!!!

*Traffic Cone and Badger glance up at Unicorn*

Unicorn: Uh, but we don’t need to talk about that anymore.

Badger: Yeah. let’s not.

*Badger gets up and looks at himself in the mirror and fixes up his jacket. He takes off his hat and brushes through his fur with his claws, places his hat back on*

Badger: Now where do I keep the good stuff?

Unicorn: Good stuff?

Badger: Yeah, looking for my cologne. Oh, here we go.

*Badger finds a bottle on the side and sprays some around his neck*

Traffic Cone: Why does that matter? You won't be in nose distance with the fans- Oh, that's a good musk.

Badger: Right? OK ladies, we're due on the Scene!

*Badger, Unicorn and Traffic Cone make their way out of the dressings rooms and backstage*

Fox: Wow, it's a full house out there.

Robin: No different to any other show, seems like we're still a hit!! Alright, good luck you guys!

*Robin starts to walk out, but Badger grabs the bird's wrist and pulls him back into the group*

Badger: Actually wait. Um… This is our last night and I wanna just say that this tour has been a great adventure, and there are no other people that I would’ve wanted to tour with, thank you all.

Unicorn: Oh my Gosh, don't make me cry.

Badger: Then do not make the face, Unicorn. Don’t… Don’t you do it!!

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