Chapter Six: Family Matters

Start from the beginning

Amber: "No..." She replied: "No way in Hell am I babysitting-"

"Excuse me?" Winter replied

Amber: "Excuse me my ass," She tells Winter: "Who died and made you the leader of the pack? Shawn is the leader. If Shawn wants you to come with us and your little bratty sister to tag along with the two little monkeys over there then that's fine. Besides, don't you and your sister need to attend to the matters within Atlas?"

"Ironwood and I will handle that." Jacques told Amber, "We are the Vice President and President after all. And thanks to you and your friends, Atlas will become a stronger fortitude than it has ever been before."

"Besides, Winter is an astounding strategist, and Jacques's youngest daughter is an astounding fighter." Ironwood replies, "You won't regret having them travel with you."

Amber: "Is it me, or does it sound like they're trying to get rid of them?" She whispers to Shawn

Shawn: "More like putting them on us." He whispers back to Amber: "I guess you weren't off when you said we'd be babysitting."

"We can hear you, you know." Winter tells Shawn and Amber, "My sister and I are more than happy to prove ourselves to you and your allies."

Yoshua: "You two do what you think its best." He says to the Schnee sisters, powering up: "Let's go Grayson."

Grayson powers up: "Ready when you are." And the two brothers, rocking their different outfits, used airbending to fly towards Mistral, where there had been reports of the Branwen Tribe camping within its abandoned quarters."

"Hold on!" Weiss shouts, "Wait for me!" she activates a iron-suit and blasts off after Yoshua and Grayson

Amber: "Okay, who died and decided it's "I'm gonna be the Captain" day?" She asked Shawn: "You didn't even say how we're going to do this."

Shawn: "Do we do what we do best any other way?" He asked Amber

Amber: "...Good point." She replies

Shawn: "And on top of that, what Yoshua suggested was also due to personal reasons." He tells Amber

Amber: "That's right." She faceplams: "Family Drama."

Shawn nods: "Mm-Hmm. Now with those three out of the way, we should head over to Vaco. I know how to get there from here. Now without the Spring Maiden, there's no chance of us entering the vault that holds the relic. However, that access can be overwritten by someone who knows their magic. With that being said, Vaco is the first place to go. Do you have a problem with this, Winter?" He asked the Older Schnee

"I do not." Winter replies, "I will follow your orders and if given permission, I will give you my suggestions."

Amber: "I'd never thought I'd say this, but man, this place must be known for the highly arrogant. If not ignorant." She remarks to Shawn


Yoshua: "GRAYSON!" Yoshua shouts to him while they get closer to Mistral: "You and Weiss head back to Mystro! Take the time to meet our dad and get to know him!"

Grayson blinks: "Are you sure that's a good idea!?" He asked Yoshua

Yoshua: "You've been dying to know about who your family is!" He tells Grayson: "You found out that I'm your older brother! I found out you're my younger brother! It would make sense to let Dad know that he has another son! In fact, it would make his day! I already told him about you but he doesn't believe me! So prove it to him that you are my brother as well as his son! And Weiss, go with him and make sure no one touches a single strand of hair on his head but our father! Got it!?"

"Of course!" Weiss replied, "But what about you!? Are you sure this is a good idea-" Weiss stops as Yoshua looks back at her. His eyes filled with anger and frustration. Confusion and Pain. And it was all aimed at Raven, a woman that not only held the answers about the next moves of her tribe and the Fang, but also personal answers too. "You're right. It's best that way." She replies, "Grayson, lead the way to Mystro if you would!"

Grayson: "Sure thing!" He tells Weiss: "Follow me!"


The Western side of Mistral is where lies the Camp of the Branwen Tribe. A village filled with men and women and children who followed under the leadership of Raven Branwen, Yang Xaiolong Branwen and Vernal Branwen. "Hm?" A female Branwen Tribe member notices someone flying towards their location. "TRIBAL FAMILY!" She shouts, "INTRUDER APPROACHES!" That was the single for the Branwen Tribe troops to be armed and ready.

Yoshua: "Tch." He scoffs, looking at them as he grows closer and closer towards their location: "Steal some toys and they think they're invincible." He blitzs pass the armed Branwen Tribe using lightning-bending and stands in front of this massive hut: "RAVEN BRANWEN!" He shouts as the Tribe are shocked and confused at how Yoshua got past them: "COME OUT HERE! RIGHT NOW!" The Branwen Tribe of men and women and children surrounded Yoshua, who ignored them and stayed focused on the Massive hut that HE KNEW Raven was staying in.

And sure enough, "This is quite surprising," exiting out of the Hut, wearing a Black Tank-Top with Black Shorts, her long raven black hair was in a pony-tail and her face, skin and lean fit body, "No one has ever came this close to entering our Tribal Camp...But I guess that makes you an exception...Seeing that no one else would enter foot within this camp without my say-so...Young Yasuke..."

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