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That day, Agda and Snow had traveled on foot for hours before stumbling upon a hidden tavern. They took quick inventory on what each of them had and discovered that they had enough money to get some supplies and dinner, so they did. Once they ate, Agda and Snow left and found a secure spot of land a couple miles away, and Agda showed Snow how to make a shelter with the things they had.

That night Agda told Snow she'd take the first watch, and as she watched the girl sleep, she vowed that she would protect her and give her the tools and skills she needed to survive.

Early morning came, and Snow awoke slightly upset that Agda never woke her for her shift; but was secretly grateful for the full nights rest. After the stressful day she had had, she was sure she needed it.

When Agda revealed that she had managed to kill some squirrels for their breakfast, Snow made a vow that she would repay Agda for her kindness.

And from that morning on, the two runaways stuck together. Helping each other survive, and attempting to make life worth living.


Three years in the wild does a lot to a person, especially if they're alone.

Luckily for Agda and Snow White, they had each other.

And they were about to gain another companion.

The duo had travelled for three years together, and the years had changed both of them. For one, Snow White was now a skilled hunter, and was quickly getting better at tracking. For another, Agda had become bitter as the years separating her and her sisters grew longer. Did she regret what she had done? Not at all. But her anger was not at her siblings, it was at her former kingdom. She had grown to realize that her subjects gave up on her far too quickly, and the whole situation became more and more suspicious. Especially now that she had had so much time to think back on it.

Nonetheless, her hardened exterior didn't affect her softened heart. It just made it a little harder to reach it. Like right now.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? We normally only steal from Regina."

Agda sighed, they were within a few miles of the town that they were aiming for when they had heard a horrific chorus of howls. Both of the woman's instincts told them that the howls did not come from a normal wolf, and so they took shelter in the chicken coop nearby the house that they were passing. Since the creature prevented them from getting to the town, Agda had suggested that they take two or three eggs to eat.

"Yes Snow, it's fine! What's two or three eggs from a chicken coop as big as this one? The owners won't even notice."

Snow gave her a look; she may have been shaken up and tired, but the night was over now and she would rather be hungry as they walked to the town than eat now with a guilty conscience.

Before she could reply, the door to the chicken coop opened and Agda quickly dragged Snow down to duck. Agda spied a woman in a red cloak walking through the coop, collecting eggs as she went when suddenly Snow shuffled next to her. The woman paused and looked their way, "Who's there?"

"I'm sorry. We can go." Snow says, standing up quickly. Agda sighed and stood up with a frown.

"Are you...stealing our eggs?" the woman asked confusedly. She looked between the two woman, finding it ironic that the one with dark hair seems full of light while the pale haired woman next to her looked at her with a cold, stony expression.

"No..." Agda shot Snow a look, "If you're gonna out yourself then at least be honest about it."

Snow sighs, holding the eggs in her hands forward. "Not a lot..."

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