VOLUME 13 Chapter 3

Depuis le début

Bahamut on the other hand just yawns as the economic dribble between the two business moguls went on and on while Elizabeth was entertaining Seiness. The Priestess tried to mimic her elegant posture and walk which she noticed and the woman started to slow down and exaggerated her movements more to put a moving display for the Priestess to see and learn from. "Master, can we eat?" The Dragon in his shoulder just stretches her wings, forcing Jackson to tilt his head away as she starts licking the joints and the membranes of her wings' fingers.

This broke the conversation Jackson was happily having with Alana. Making the man look dejected as he turns to her.

"No Bahamut. Haaaah... can't you enjoy the sights at least?"

"We've been through so many colorful cities already, Master. This one is just colder than some before and sits in a plateau on top of a mountain valley."

"How about this, we-" Not finishing his sentence, the Dragon turns into her Human form and starts walking in front of him. "WOAH! GEEZ BAHAMUT!" Her sudden morph made the Priestess clap in amazement while the people around them just shocked that a woman in a funeral gown popped up in front of them. "Woaaa...! Such magic! I've only read stories where Wizards could cast such things!" the Dragon in her human form just turns around and sways her long hair. "Heh. Cool ain't it? Those Bloodsuckers can only turn into Bats but I can turn into any animal."

"Bahamut, why did you turn into a Human all of the sudden? Good thing no one reacted as harshly." Seeing the elegant clothing of the three beautiful Humans with the Man and a Priestess, the citizens just turned away and kept on walking. Some even bow and continue on their merry way, not disturbing any of them. "What's the Nobility doing outside with the Church? Could they be conducting another survey?" Hearing this, Jackson just walks forward, ignoring the whispers of the Commoners while waiting for an answer from Bahamut, who just ignored him and his query.

Turning the corner, they encounter a bunch of hoodlums crouched up the white wall of a big building. Many of them wore ragged military tunics and some, even of aristocratic origins. Disheveled and uncared, the men had their arms to themselves as they shared each other's heat. Taking a closer look, the Knight recognizes bandages and crutches to their limbs, some even missing an eye or a part of their ear.

Bahamut walks up to them and looks down on the messy Humans. The men just looked up to her and then away. "Master, these Humans are like you, aren't they?" he tilts his head and raises an eyebrow at the Dragon. His face contemplated her words. "Hm? I was combat wounded multiple times, but never to the point I got bedridden." Now at the feet of one of them, he kneels. Ignoring their bad smell as he sees the embroidered braid on the leftmost man in the line. "Why are you here? The Holy See has healers right?" The dirtied man gave him a gaze that could send anyone running. The Priestess herself running behind Elizabeth as the glance was enough to make even a predator think.

But Jackson didn't sway away. He even had a grin on his face seeing the frown of the man. "That reminds me of a lot of people I used to know." the man just groaned as he moved his leg nearer to him. "I got cursed. Even the Church doesn't know how to undo it. Everyone is afraid of me, us." the man turns to his colleagues, all of them wearing bandages in certain areas of their limbs. "I thought so. In a world with healing magic, only something really specific could truly make a person wounded. Bahamut, can you undo it?"

As she nods, the man retracts his legs.

"What will that do? We are already discarded by the people and even the Gods. Go now. Such pretty women shouldn't be near men like us." Jackson ignores his words and shakes his hand. "Names Paul. Many called me Colonel back then. I'm sure you can still do more if you could get that fire in your soul lit up. For now, just accept this help." he takes away his hand and shrugs. "And then what? For the lady in the bakery to just mock me again, call me a Cursed Creature after I gave my leg for the Royalty? They can offer us as much Wine and Bread as payment, but it will never repay the sacrifice we gave for their pitiful land."

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