Gwen was happy to be at the station. Nyla was on a call and would call Gwen if she was needed. Tim was riding with Celina today, while Nolan was with Thorsen.

The power had flickered on and off throughout the station. Luckily the station was equipped with a generator leaving Gwen thankful for air conditioning.

Tim would text Gwen almost every hour checking on her making sure she was staying cool, and hydrating.

Gwen looks down at her phone when she hears it vibrate Chen it reads.

She slides to unlock the phone "Hey, what's up?" She asks.

"I found a body in a storage unit, can you come on down? I just called CSU, and backup" Gwen wanted to groan as she thought out being out in the heat and smelling a body.

Gwen grabs her badge, and keys before standing up "text me the details. I'm on my way"


"Body was in a freezer. The power's been in and out for days. The surge must have finished the freezer off. Victim thawed in the heat. Manager called it in. The manager said the unit was rented by an RJ Cash." Lucy explains to Gwen.

Gwen nods and walks into the storage unit. She immediately wanted to throw up when she got closer to the freezer.

She looks at the phone and then the deceased victim "All right. RJ Cash, huh? Looks like him" she says.

Lucy nods and pulls out a pen and paper "Are you identifying him?" She asks.

Gwen looks around and nods "Oh, not officially, but, yeah. Career criminal mostly nonviolent, but career scam artist. Loves to target the elderly or loved." She says as she looks at all the stolen artifacts in the unit.

Lucy nods and looks at the piano "That piano is probably worth thousands" she says. Gwen nods and agrees.

She looks at Lucy "Can you get as many serial numbers off of these items if you can?" She asks.

Lucy nods and smiles "You want to get some air?" Lucy asks noticing Gwen becoming sweaty.

Gwen nods "Yeah for sure. I stopped breathing five minutes ago" she says.

Lunch rolled around Gwen was trying her best not to become worried. She hadn't felt her baby girl kick since 5 am. She couldn't help but think of something was wrong. Gwen didn't bother to tell Tim because it would only result into a hospital trip. That Gwen didn't want to go to.

Gwen was working with Lucy on RJ Cash's case. Lucy was a great help with assisting Gwen with the serial numbers so they could find who it belonged to.

Barbara O'Mallay was the first woman to be notified regarding RJ Cash. He had worked for this woman for years, and the two officers wanted to find out as much information as they could.

"We found him this morning, stuffed in a storage locker." Gwen explains.

She watches the woman is clearly stunned with the news. Lucy was on the side of Gwen intently taking down information.

Gwen ignores the slight uncomfortable twist she felt in her stomach. As she carried on to listen to Barbara.

"Thats awful, what happened?" She asked.

Sweet Creature- Tim Bradford Where stories live. Discover now