Chapter 14: Are You Okay?

Start from the beginning

Jungkook cries harder, " I want daddy here."

"Sir, your throat isn't healed fully, you should stop crying or you won't be able to talk soon.  Mr.Kim will be back."

Jungkook started to scream hysterically, as he cried his eyes out.

Mia sighed and grabbed her phone to call Taehyung's office number.


"Hello? This is Ms. Jennie, Mr.Kim's secretary. How may I help you?"

"Hello, I'm wondering if you can transfer the call to Mr. Kim, it's important," Mia said.

"Hold on give me a second."

The call went on hold for a few minutes.

"Mr. Kim isn't interested in taking any calls as of now. Maybe call later,"

Mia groans as she looks over at Jungkook, he's screaming in a low raspy voice and acting irrationally.

"Ma'am, it's Mr. Kim's maid, it's an emergency right now."

" I'll see what I can do."

The call went on hold again, this time longer than before.

" What is the emergency?" Taehyung asked.

"Sir, um your husband is acting a little different now, he seems to miss you a lot more and he's crying. He won't even eat since he only wants you. "

Taehyung chuckled. "Don't worry, he's just anxious when I'm not around him. Pass the phone to him."

Mia gave the phone to Jungkook. " Hello?"

"My dear, don't cry I'm coming back soon. How are you feeling right now?"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as his smile grew wider. " DADDY!"

Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's excitement through the phone.

"I'm kinda tired and my body still hurts I miss you," Jungkook replied with a raspy voice.

"I missed you too. Baby, you need to eat and rest, you're still in the healing process and it will be slower if you keep up this behaviour. You're losing your voice already." Taehyung scolded Jungkook.

Jungkook sniffles. " I'm sorry Daddy."

" It's alright, but don't do it again. Right now you're going to eat then rest. You'll also be doing your daily exercise so your body doesn't get stiff.  When I get home you should be in bed. The maids are to take care of you not harm you. If they act in an unprofessional manner then tell me so I'll deal with them. Do you understand?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook nods. "Yes, Daddy. I understand."

"Good, now behave. Love you, darling." Taehyung said.

"Love you too, Daddy. Bye-bye," Jungkook bid his farewell.

" Bye, love. See you soon."

Taehyung hung up. Jungkook smiled sadly that the conversation had to be cut short. He carefully got up and went to the dining table to eat his breakfast.

The servants sighed in relief to see Jungkook finally eat.


3 weeks later

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