The next day

Applejack woke up with a yawn, stretching her limbs as the morning sunlight streamed through her window. She rubbed the sleepiness off her eyes before noticing that the pinky on one of her hands had a red string. "Well, what do you know." She said softly before getting up and getting dressed and headed downstairs to see her sister Applebloom and her brother Big Mac eating breakfast.

"Hey sis Happy Birthday," Applebloom said as Big Mac nodded in agreement. "Thanks, y'all," Applejack said. "So did your red string appear?" Applebloom asked. "Yeah, whoever they are must be older than me since it immediately appeared," Applejack said as she and her siblings started eating before heading to school.

As she entered the school she saw Sunset and Pinkie by one of their lockers. "Hey, Applejack Happy Birthday!" Sunset said as Pinkie hugged her tightly. "Thanks, guys," Applejack said as Pinkie let go of her and produced a cupcake from her bag to give to AJ. "So have you found your soulmate yet?" Sunset asked causing Applejack to shake her head. "Nope, but I did notice that the string isn't long so that means they live here," Applejack said taking the cupcake from Pinkie. "Oh, Applejack, guess what? I'm planning the most amazing birthday party for you at the sweet shoppe! It's gonna be epic!" Pinkie excitedly said. "Well thanks, Pinkie, I can't wait," Applejack said appreciably. "Now let's start figuring out who is Applejack's soulmate," Sunset said.

The three then began to discuss the possibility of who could it be. "Hello darlings, Happy Birthday Applejack," Rarity said walking hand in hand with Fluttershy before pulling away and hugging Applejack. "Thanks, Rarity," Aj said reciprocating the hug before pulling away. "What were you guys discussing?" Twilight asked who was walking beside Rarity and Fluttershy. "Guessing who Applejack's mysterious soulmate could be," Pinkie said excitedly. The group then started talking about who her soulmate was or could be when suddenly the bell rang. "Oh looks like we got to go class," Fluttershy said softly as the group made their way for the first class of the day which was English. "Hey has anyone seen Rainbow Dash?" Aj asked. "Probably running late." Rarity said. "Like always." Sunset joked causing Twilight to lightly elbow her.

The teacher then began their lecture when five minutes later the door opened to reveal Rainbow Dash who was out of breath. "Sorry I'm late my alarm didn't wake me up," Dash said entering the class. However, something that caught the attention of Applejack was that the other end of her red string was tied to Dash's pinkie finger. "No there's no way." She said softly. "What do you mean there's no way?" Twilight asked as Rainbow went to sit next to Sunset. Pinkie however put two and two together and figured it out. 'I think she found out who her soulmate is!' Pinkie thought excitedly,

The class continued as usual as everyone paid their attention back to the teacher we'll almost everyone. Applejack was still shocked when she saw the end of her red string tied to Dash's pinky finger, sure Aj was expecting to find her soulmate but she didn't expect it to be soon. Suddenly the bell rang signifying the first period ended, Applejack quickly got her things together as she wanted to approach and talk to Rainbow Dash about them being each other's soulmates but noticed the girl wasn't in the class anymore.

"Hey Rarity, did you see Rainbow leave already?" Applejack asked. "I did, darling she seemed to have been in a rush and she needed to talk to Fluttershy regarding something. Why is something wrong?" Rarity asked. "Uh n-no I was just hoping I could talk to her regarding something I had just found out," AJ said before leaving and heading to her next two classes which were science and gym two classes that she didn't have with Rainbow Dash. 'It's fine you'll talk to her later or during lunch no big deal,' Aj thought.

Turns out it was a big deal as Applejack's classes went by slowly as she kept checking the time wondering when the classes were gonna end so that she could talk to her regarding their situation. Once the bell rang she grabbed her stuff and left the gymnasium heading to the lunch room so that she could run into Dash. She entered the lunchroom grabbed her lunch from the cafeteria and then made her way to her and her friends' table and sat down as Sunset, Twilight, and Pinkie soon arrived holding their lunch trays and sitting down to join her.

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