Chapter 14: Blowing things up is easy.

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Listen, I know you are tired of waiting for Kai and Evie's relationship development because for the past 13 chapters they have not interacted but I swear I am just laying out the groundwork starting from the next chapter you will be seeing more of them.

Evies POV


The forest was so thick in trees that it was difficult to run.Only when she finally couldn't hear any footsteps or breathing other than her own did evie stop.

Maybe hiding her powers from the ninja was a bad idea because she could have easily flown all this distance but instead she had to run.

She was a fast runner, she had always known that but Jay and Lloyd almost caught up to her if it wasn't for the low hanging tree branch that she shoved in their faces. But just because she was a good runner didn't mean she liked it.

As a rule of thumb evie believed that people who enjoyed running and thought it was relaxing were crazy.

Oh I could run for miles and miles until I reach the beach or the edge of the world.

Nope, evie thought the only place you need to run to is a mental asylum.

It took her a couple of minutes to pace her breathing, she slid down next to a tree bark wondering just what to do next. She never intended to set foot back into this town, it was selfish of her.

Guilt tried to push its way into her heart but she pushed back harder; she didn't need to be driven by emotions for this mission she really didn't especially by negative ones.

She couldn't explain what it was about the town but something was severely wrong. Last time she was in swindons it had been a short visit, She had stayed for only a day but even then she had known hasn't she.

She knew that they were suffering in silence and she did nothing. The last time she was in swindon's the people were afraid. The town that had welcomed her with open arms when she was young and welcomed any other stranger now had no visitors that should have been her first clue.

Evie had hoped that they would be fine.

Clearly they weren't.

It was why she didn't want to come back to swindons, it was the last place in which she had hoped. She didn't want to come back to see it all shattered.

Hope was for the weak anyway, she would tell herself. And now she had to pay the price.

Too bad that grey phantom never liked paying.

Evie floated between the trees finding her way back to swindons. The sound of the engine roaring informed her that the ninja had taken off.

Evie Plucked leaves and twigs from her clothes as she searched for zhao.That sour old man wouldn't lie to her.

He greeted her back with an unimpressed look " Who were those lads you brought with you ?"

"I didn't bring them with me" she took the bowl of strawberries he had prepared for her " They merrily follow me around"

Zhao grunted "Well they left without ya"

Three men dressed in suits came over, the tallest one of the bunch grabbing a mango from zhao's stand and taking a bite.

"That would be 50 cents," evie said, keeping her eye on the other two.

The one with balding head and beer belly ignored her "Your payment zhao"

Zhao didn't say anything, staring at them before shuffling in his stand and handing them a bag of coins. The baldy belly tossed the bag to the shortest one in the bunch but definitely the most athletic one. "Count it"

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